Non-Rage Non-Adrenaline Driven Anger

Postby Leo Volont » Tue Dec 20, 2016 11:02 am

We often discuss the most serious forms of Anger, which are Violent or Near Violent Rages, which are pumped up and propelled by Adrenaline – the “Fight or Flight” Adrenal Secretion that is released when we feel threatened or under attack. And since Rage brings upon us the most serious consequences, it is understandable that we speak much of it. But the Lesser Non-Adrenaline Driven Forms of anger can get us into trouble too – the ‘Boss’ might not summarily dismiss us as he would for a Rage Episode, but we would be put on ‘warning’, and our Spouses would not instantly run off to the Shelter where they hoist up the draw bridge if they see us coming from a mile away, but still a lesser Incident of Anger would still be extremely unpleasant for them and be added to the List of Reasons they keep for going back home to Mother. So we must take the Lesser Levels of Anger Seriously too.

The Less Serious Forms of Anger can be addressed in a different way from Rage Anger where the emphasis is on catching the first sign of an Adrenaline Release and immediately Chilling It Down, and by monitoring our Thinking and Emotions for Exaggerated Sensibilities and Low Thresholds for Threat and Insult, and by inculcating the Life Doctrine of just trying to be more Cool and Mellow about Things. With the lesser forms of Anger we see mostly just Very Bad Behavioral Habits, often going way back to Infancy, but if Parents and Teachers don’t Crack Down on these Residual Infantile Behavior, then they can manages to Persist into Adulthood.

Most of your Loud, Complaining, Swearing and Stomping-Around Anger is a Remnant of the Infantile ‘Tantrum’. Now, this is not a Page on how Parents should raise their Children, BUT as soon as Infants are developed enough to even understand the Feeling of what they are being Told, it must be insisted upon that there will be No Reward, No Appeasement for Tantrum Behavior – kicking and screaming will know no quarter… especially out in Public – in Restaurants, Super Markets, Theaters and Air Liners where the Parents have to be Dead Inside not to realize the Dark Thoughts generated and directed at them by All for Their coddling, permitting, and, yes, even encouraging the Shrill, Nasty, Spoiled and Insane Behavior of their Children. Most of these Parents are under the delusion that the Child will “Grow Out of It”, but so many Instances of Adult Anger of the Same Essential Description are a clear indication that Children do not simply “Grow Out of It”. What does happen is that the Behavior undergoes Development, Elaboration and Modification as the Child gets older, but the General Idea of Being Loud and Obnoxious in order to Get His Own Way, that continues on. The Child, no longer an Infant, will no longer be literally ‘kicking and screaming’ but will be persistence in ‘begging’ for what he wants, and will sulk and show a moody displeasure if his requests are resisted, and if ‘forced to the Wall’ by stern Refusal will resort to Cussing and Screaming. It would all end there BUT this is when Parents relent and get their demanding little Tyrant his or her Video Game or PadPod Phone Thing or Whatever – the Reward for being so Insufferable. I suppose the Parents usually cover their Retreat by Making a Deal – asking that the Child first get a Passing Grade in School or completing some Chore at Home, but it IS a Capitulation and the Child KNOWS he Won – they he or she once again Defeated and Utterly Destroyed Mom and Dad. Even in Schools many of the Teachers will give in to Loud, Rude and Unreasonable Demands or Behavior if it will save them the trouble of Pursuing Official Disciplinary Actions (In the Old Days Teachers could resort to the Rod or Paddle and deal with Disciplinary Problems almost Instantaneously and generally Very Effectively, and in some Parts of the World where this is Still Allowed, the Schools seem to Perform at a Higher Level because of It). Somehow Teachers don’t think they have enough Time in the Day or get Paid Nearly Enough to fill out reams of Paperwork and lay all of their Business bare before the School’s Principle every time a Child talks back, and even if they DID, the Children tend to Laugh Off the mild and mellow forms of Discipline that ARE administered to them. So the Problem Persists – if Infantile Behavior is positively Rewarded or at least Condoned all through Childhood, then it will Survive into Adulthood.

There are other Forms of Persisting Infantile Behaviors that can be Problematic, such as the way Spoiled Children get anything they want just from being Cute and Adorable. This leads to a Life of Manipulative and Deceptive Behavior, as the Children learn how to Lie and Deceive in order to augment their ‘Cuteness’ Presentations, BUT, strictly speaking, this is not an Anger Problem. Manipulators might resort to Anger as a very last Resort, but it is almost to admit that All of their Usual ‘Cute’ Tricks have Failed Them, and I believe that Manipulators are too Proud to allow that… to SNAP into a Fit of Ugly Anger would be, well, a kind of a Nervous Breakdown for them. So you won’t see much Anger from Manipulators, but if you do, it is likely to be Very Serious! But, GOOD! A Breakdown couldn’t happen to a Better Person than a Manipulator!

Well, that is enough for now. If anybody is curious then we can talk about how to deal with these Residual Infantile Behaviors that lead to Ordinary but Still Troublesome Episodes of Adult Anger.
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Postby osenych » Tue Dec 20, 2016 2:09 pm

Great essay, Leo!

As a mom of a 1-year-old, I am starting to notice that my daughter is now throwing tantrums when she's not allowed to play with things that are dangerous to play with.

I must admit that I still sometimes give in and comfort her, so that she stops crying. But that's only because she doesn't understand what I'm saying yet, and I don't want her to think that I'm taking away her toys just because I can.

In a couple of months, as soon as she starts understanding a little bit what we're saying to her, I will do my best to remain as neutral and calm as possible during her tantrums and not to reward such behavior by comforting and entertaining her.
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Postby Leo Volont » Wed Dec 21, 2016 11:19 am

osenych wrote:Great essay, Leo!

As a mom of a 1-year-old, I am starting to notice that my daughter is now throwing tantrums when she's not allowed to play with things that are dangerous to play with.

I must admit that I still sometimes give in and comfort her, so that she stops crying. But that's only because she doesn't understand what I'm saying yet, and I don't want her to think that I'm taking away her toys just because I can.

In a couple of months, as soon as she starts understanding a little bit what we're saying to her, I will do my best to remain as neutral and calm as possible during her tantrums and not to reward such behavior by comforting and entertaining her.

Hi Olga,

Yes, with very young babies one must allow for the very limited range of Behavior available to Them -- there is Either 'cute and adorable' or 'screaming their heads off'. That is why people find Sleeping Babies so Beautiful -- they are so well behaved when they are passed out and unconscious.

Oh, when the Baby does get older, or even NOW, remember the importance of Modeling Lead Behavior. Never look Flustered or Frustrated or Confused, as the child will take its own Behavioral cues from That. When a child is crying and it seem Unimportant... Non-Urgent... well, yes, one can Empathize with the Baby's Feelings, BUT your Presentation Should Be that You ARE NOT Worried in the Least about any Lasting Damage. Show Confidence that Everything is Indeed Alright. I had recently heard a Mother speaking about her babies... that they will fall down or hit themselves with something, and before they start to Cry will look up at Mommy for some Clue as to what to do. If Mommy looks Shocked and Worried, Baby will cry, but if Mommy Smiles Serenely at Baby and says "Oh, what silliness is That? " Then Baby will smile too.

After a certain age you can actually kind of Talk Sense to a young child. I remember I had gotten a Needle Injection at the Doctors when I was still Pre-School, along with some other children. Well, the room was full of crying children and so I was crying too, and I did feel as though it was beginning to be an effort and I wished I could stop and give it a rest. Then my mother turned to me and said, "My, that shot was 5 minutes ago! I can't imagine that it could still possibly hurt that much." Well, it was like I Got Permission to stop crying. and so I stopped crying. Of course I was too embarrassed to admit that I had been crying for virtually nothing for the last several minutes, but I suppose there was no hiding my sheepishness from my Mother... the sweetest and cleverest of Ladies, she was.

Now there is One Kind of Crying that is difficult to deal with Intelligently as per some Grand Scheme, and that is if the Child Cries when it is Tired. You see, some Babies find being Tired and Sleepy Very Uncomfortable and it will make them Cry. It seems that they are Fighting Back the Sleep that is coming. and you can't 'Reason' with them at such a time because you can SEE that they are so Tired. Babies already have an impossibly short Attention Span, and it goes to Nothing when they are Sleepy and 'Cranky', is what they call it. So you pick them up and rock them. Motion is the Thing. the Motion is why Babies like to fall asleep in Cars. I forget at what year that 'Crankiness when Tired' passes, but it doesn't go on forever, Thank God! For an Old Man, being tired and sleepy at the end of a Long Day is quite a Pleasure!

Oh, Olga, God Bless and Good Luck with your Baby. Everyone knows that they can be A Lot of Work in the first couple of years.
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Postby osenych » Wed Dec 21, 2016 12:16 pm

Hi Leo,

Great advice!

I must admit - I often do look frustrated or confused when my daughter is crying. It's hard to maintain my composure in those moments, because the moment she starts crying I get nervous myself. I am aware of that nervousness in the moment, but it's hard to shake it off. Thank you for bringing it up - I will make extra effort from now on to model calmness and serenity. You mother sounds like a wise and remarkable woman indeed from everything you told me about her!

Yes, I also recall situations from my childhood when I would keep crying for no reason, waiting for some cue from an adult to make me stop. Usually I gave up after a few minutes though, because no one was rushing to comfort me :)

Oh yes, I am very well familiar with the kind of crying when the baby is tired. From 2 to 8 months my daughter couldn't fall asleep without motion, so I had to rock her every time. Fortunately, now she learned to put herself to sleep, but she still need me to tuck her in, give her a pacifier and be by her side as she falls asleep.

Thank you for your kind words! It's already gotten much easier to take care of my daughter in the past couple of months, but it's still hard work. I so wish to have more kids, but realistically since my husband and I live alone and have no one to help us with the baby, that's just not an option in the next couple of years.
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Postby Leo Volont » Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:26 am

Dear Olga,

Keep Tucking them in! Some of Life's Most Beautiful Moments happen during that quaint time honored little Ritual. One of the last times I visited my mother she told me this story, that I was still pre-school at the time and so we still had the Tuck-In Ritual going. She was in a hurry and had left her glasses down on the Sewing Table and ran up to give me a quick Tuck-In. I reached out to hug and kiss her but paused to look at her and then said "Mommy, you are SO Beautiful. You look like a Movie Star". Then we exchanged the usual "I love you Sweetheart" and "I love you Mommy" but this time it was Different for her. She Remembered that story for decades... it was one of the last things we spoke about.

Oh, I don't want to rain on your Child Bearing Parade, but I would wonder why anybody would have enough Confidence in the World we live in to have more than one child. I think one of the reasons why my wife wanted a divorce was because she wanted to have a zillion children but I was happy with just my Daughter. With just my Daughter, well I could see being able to put her through College, and more, if need be... but if I would have had a big family, well, how do you just say to your Kids "Good Luck out there" and watch them have to take crappy jobs and work for bosses who are idiots, all because I couldn't DO what it Takes to get them Well Placed in Life. As it is, with my Daughter, well, SHE is a PHD! A Psychologist! And She is Working! But if she had been One of 4 children, well, she'd be lucky to be a Waitress in this dismal Economy. So, keep the Future in Sight. If you have a Beautiful Daughter now, well, What More Do You Want?, right? but I really need to mind my own business, don't I...?
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Postby osenych » Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:33 am

The story about your Mom tucking you in is beautiful and touching indeed.

But when I proceeded to read the second part of your message, I was a little taken aback by your cynicism. You call a woman's natural desire to have more than 1 child "a child bearing parade". I'm sorry, but that's just a little bit too much, in my opinion. I have deep respect for you Leo, but the tone of this message really disappointed me. You make valid points, but was that really necessary to be so harsh in reply when a person is opening up and being vulnerable?

I don't even feel like replying. Sorry.
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Postby Leo Volont » Sun Dec 25, 2016 9:46 am

osenych wrote:The story about your Mom tucking you in is beautiful and touching indeed.

But when I proceeded to read the second part of your message, I was a little taken aback by your cynicism. You call a woman's natural desire to have more than 1 child "a child bearing parade". I'm sorry, but that's just a little bit too much, in my opinion. I have deep respect for you Leo, but the tone of this message really disappointed me. You make valid points, but was that really necessary to be so harsh in reply when a person is opening up and being vulnerable?

I don't even feel like replying. Sorry.

Dear Osenych,

I am deeply sorry for my insensitivity. I should have minded my own business, especially since I am a man and don't have the same powerful instinctual motivations that only another woman could understand at an emotional level. Yes, if it is a sensitive subject for you, we can of course drop it. .
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