Need Help.....drastic personality change.

Postby Vertical » Wed Apr 26, 2017 7:59 am

Before you begin, please read the description of my friend here.
After reading, please give your opinions, judgments, thoughts, inferences, etc.
Also add what you think might be the source.

His father and mother married at the age of 19 and he was born, 20. He didn’t see his parents often and he lived with his grandparents. At a young age, his parents divorced and his mother remarried. His father right now has a girlfriend. Let me narrate his story….

Grade 1:
During these days, he was one of the smartest within their class. He was the best in math, science, and English; yet he's not that bad at other subjects as well. Apart from this, he’s some of the teachers’ pet; many teachers took a liking to him. He’d usually ace an exam, and get the highest scores, sometimes perfect. He did all this, even though he never studied. But within this good attitude of his, lies his somewhat bad personality. He’s a bully. Not that much of a bully but he liked to tease others… to get their attention. He gained two reliable friends due to these, and together they became bullies. He had a crush on one of the most beautiful girls in their class, and usually he’d tease her just to get her attention.

Grade 2:
He’s still good in his studies, and still he didn’t study. Other people saw how great he is, and his crush noticed this as well. Yet he was never the top 1. There was someone who’s better than him. But he’s content with it. He didn’t think of it as much.

Grade 3:
He was always within the same class with his crush and with his friends. Things like these didn’t change. And again, he was still fairly intelligent. But somehow, he began to become weak in math. Now he wasn’t the best anymore. Yet, usually his crush would turn to him and ask for his help, he’d be glad to teach her. This time as well, he received a little sister. Although she was autistic, he didn’t resent her, and he was excited to become a big brother. Also, he noticed that there was something wrong with his parents.

Grade 4:
He got separated with his friends. This time, he lost his feelings for his crush. He realized that he didn’t actually like her at all, although the reason, not yet. He began to get irritated at his sister. They’d usually fight. Although he’d forget his anger after sometime, he’d get quickly irritated at his sister. This time, his parents were fighting.

Grade 5:

There was a drastic change within him. He began styling. He wanted to become fashionable, a cool kid. Here he got attracted to someone, a girl who’s fashionable and somewhat cool. She was the reason he began styling. His previous crush changed as well, instead of focusing on her beauty, she began studying; yet she was still beautiful, not just as stylish as she was. His grades dropped. Although he was part of the top 10 during the beginning, by the end of the grade, he was nearly at the last top. His parents separated nearing the end of the grade, and they got divorced or annulled sometime between grade 6 and grade 5.

Grade 6:
He didn’t even bother to study, as usual. His grades were below the class. As his crush transferred schools, he lost his interest on her, and didn’t try to become cool anymore. And this time he got hooked on video games. He once skipped intramurals just to play video games with some of his friends (?) and they were bad influences. Also, he got into fights. He’d usually be sent to the office at least four times per month.

But during graduation, he changed. He realized something, when all the boys, except two, because the rest didn’t like them, invited him to a party, just for the boys, as a graduation send-off or something. He accepted. He liked to be with people. He had no more friends. Ever since grade 4, when he was separated with his friends, he didn’t bother to create new ones (except for the bad influences). And now, he saw the opportunity.

During vacation, he stopped playing video games, and got hooked on something instead: 9gag. He liked 9gag. And there he’d usually get a laugh.

This time, his sister was taken by his mother and his mother left a tablet (gadget), in her place. They lived overseas, and therefore, could not do anything. He felt some guilt, and regret, apart from that nothing more.

Signs of money problems were present as well. His family was somewhat above the average, although they weren’t that luxurious.

Grade 7:

Drastic change once again. He began trying to be a cool kid once more, during the beginning of this grade. Here he had some friends, in the same class. But when his internet got cut off, due to punishment (his grades were still low) he began going to internet cafes. Here he’d usually just go to Facebook and stuff, 9gag as well (not as much anymore). But one day, his internet still not connected, he got curious in something: hacking. He studied how to hack. Read e-books, articles, videos, etc. When he was fairly decent in hacking, he gained 3 new friends, they as well wanted to learn how to hack. He eagerly taught them, although they never had interest to begin with; they just wanted to be called hackers because it’s cool, and he noticed it. But he was different, he truly wanted to learn. And therefore, did so. During December, he hacked one of the administrators of the computer shop’s FB account as revenge, because he harassed one of his friends. The problem with him is that he spread it, the news. “I hacked *****” he told everyone who knew him. And it got spread. He was arrogant these days, apart from this, he had a dozen more hacking problems he created and he continued to create them (which all happened before this). He even gave the password to all of his “hacker” friends. He got hunted by him, terrified, he didn’t leave his house for two weeks (Christmas break). One day he really needed to go to a café, and therefore picked one they wouldn’t know. His friend warned him the night back, that he was hunting him, although he expected it (he didn’t have evidence that he was being hunted, but he got scared of it) and just thanked his friend. When he was cornered by the man, he didn’t resist, he feign ignorance and pretended to help him. In the end, he couldn’t bear it any longer and told his grandparents about it (they were somewhat young still, since his father married early), and they fixed the trouble. The administrator, didn’t accept it, but was forced by his father.

Still, with this, he didn’t learn his lesson. Although, now, he could keep a secret. He forced his friends, the ones who got his password, to not tell anything. And by the end of the school year, his internet got connected. He decided that he still wanted to pursue his knowledge and did so. He studied all summer about computers.

Grade 8:
His grades were still low. Although, he was smart. Proof of this was when he was grade 6, he took an exam for a science school (he was supposed to transfer) and got the tenth highest score, and still without studying (he told his grandparents that he’d go to a net café to study but the truth his played DOTA 2). In the end, he remained at the same school, he as well, took a science exam, to see if he’s befitting for being a science student. Most of the teachers disagreed and didn’t expect him to pass, but his results surprised them: one of the highest. But now, he is in peril danger… if he doesn’t maintain a constant grade of above 85, then he’d be dropped to the regular section.

He met a new friend this time, and he was mostly the cause of his grades-drop. His friends (the hacker-wannabes) were still present, and usually he’d hangout by the regular section. Whenever they’d go for an outing, or mall or whatever, he’d join them. He felt more comfortable with them. He got tired of hacking by the middle of the grade, and got interested in anime.

By vacation, he lacked his reason. All of his friends were in other places enjoying theirs, while he was just watching cartoons, reading Japanese comics and such. Then he thought of something, he’d study. And so, he began to study, study and study, for one week. And he stopped studying as well, he realized there was no point. When he went to the mall once, he saw someone at a book store (he wanted to buy comics) he was checking a book: psychology, and therefore he decided to see one as well. He got curious, he didn’t know why was he curious, and he decided to study the same thing. He studied, he read books, e-books, articles, and he even took an online course in ALISON, Wesleyan university, and some others. He absorbed everything he learned. But at this point, he thought, why was he studying it? Sometime later, he decided to play dating games, games where you need to pick the right choices in order to get a good ending with the girls. There are usually three or more girls in these games, and usually it’d take half a week or a whole to finish just one girl, but it’d take just a day or two for him. In less than a week, he’d finish the game. He played a dozen of them, and he always, always got good endings, he never allowed himself to reach the bad endings. But even though he spent a lot of time playing them, he never neglected his studies in psychology.

From time to time, he’d go out to malls and plazas and etc. alone. There he’d sit by a bench, and listen to music as he observed people. He’d do this at least three times a week. He called it “field training” and it helps him understand people more. But as this went on, he began to change. His eyes changed as well, becoming more and more lifeless, even others saw this particular change within him. There was this time he was sent to a “youth camp” in order to find one’s spiritual self and get closer to the Lord. He was forced to comply, although he didn’t want to go. On the first hour, he observed them. And on the rest, he was irritated. He noticed something within them all: hypocrites. One of the one thing he hated most, hypocrites. Therefore he decided to destroy it. With his knowledge, he manipulated the others, and they all got into arguments. Groups against groups, leaders against leaders, friends against friends, people against people, he was the center of it all; he was the one who caused it. In the end, the camp had been decided to end early due to it.

This was when he completely changed.

Grade 9:

When school continued, he completely changed. At this grade also, his grades were high. And as usual, he didn’t study. During the beginning he was somewhere within the top five, and he maintained being in the top ten all until the end of the school year. But a different atmosphere covered him. His eyes were now really scary, devoid of life and color. Some people commented on this as well.

Before, he wanted to be a part of the robotics, grade 7 and grade 8. He failed, because of the slots. This time, since his legend (hacker) was spread, the moderating teacher scouted him and included him, even though the other robotics members voted against him (since most of them didn’t know he was a hacker) but later on, he decided to leave the club.

Now, he made friends, both sections science and regular. He was able to communicate with almost anyone. This was one of the things that scared me. He’d manipulate people, and in a way that they wouldn’t know, or sometimes they’d know. Sometimes he’d make the class argue with each other just because he’s bored. There was also the time when he was irritated at the hypocrite student council president and therefore, brought down the whole student council. He wasn’t caught of course. There was also this time when his friends got caught in a trouble. Although he wasn’t in the evidence presented, he told them to include him. When there was a meeting, interrogation, whatever it was, between a principal, vice-p, and guidance counselor, he was the one who took control. He provoked and provoked the principal, until she gave in and cursed the students, exactly as he wanted. Later on, he indirectly blackmailed the principal to give them a lighter punishment instead of being expelled, and she had no choice but to do so. But it wasn’t enough, it was just the principal, therefore he also manipulated his grandparents, into thinking that he was truly regretting what happened, he left the house and returned 1 AM, then explained what happened. Of course, they were angry, but they saw his “regret” and after that day, during the meeting, he was defended, and used that event to make them believe his regret by his grandmother. Since they had to give in, he received light punishment, and since he received but a light one, the others as well, and to add his indirect black mail, he was sure that they’d be saved.

At this point forward, grade 9, his personality changed. Even before the event of the blackmailing and stuff, he manipulated people for no absolute reason; just making them their playthings. He as well, turned sadistic. He loved making girls cry (tears of joy or sadness, as long as they cry). He even used the scene earlier, to make the girls cry in their room, then, he said to them, “I believe that girls are the cutest when either waking up or crying....and I saw a chance.”

But what he hated most was when girls cry for other reasons. He hated other people making them cry. There was this cute girl in class, and she cried because of a teacher. He, angered by this, since he loved cute girls, decided to take revenge upon this teacher. Since he was a computer teacher, he couldn’t do it like before, hacking, so he did something else. An underground revolt. He spread rumors surrounding the teacher, and the students believed them. Most of them were real, and some were made up. But since the real was known by others, the fake information got clouded and therefore deemed as real as well. Soon, he even sent composite evidence, which circulated around the school, even teachers. When he laid his hands on the real evidence, he also circulated most of them, the one with the really embarrassing things, he kept as an insurance. And once more, he was never caught. Yet, the teacher believed it to be him, the teacher actually hated him, and the feeling was mutual. They hated each other’s guts. Since he had no evidence, he let it be. All this he did, just for the cutest girl in the class. He wanted to protect her smile, yet at the same time, make her cry. But, he didn’t have a crush on her, he didn’t fall in love with her. It was something like an owner and a pet.

He also liked reading, he began to like reading hardly when he knew it. And he stopped reading books when he was grade 5. But now, he continued it. He likes mystery but psychological, stories of betrayal, delirium, tragedies, and dark, twisted stories the most, but his favorite author is Shakespeare. This girl who’s his friend once told him that it might be the reason why he’s dark and twisted.

Even though he’s socially active, he never hid the fact that he had a dark and twisted personality. Although they never realized the fact that he was manipulating them always. There was once a time when he had to report and what he did was whenever someone couldn’t answer his questions, he’d punish them. He brought a rope, dog collar, dog ears headband and a belt with a dog tail. Since he loved the darkness of humans, betrayal the most, he appointed a certain rule: you can choose someone who has been chosen before to receive the punishment if you like. He chose the cute girl that was mentioned earlier first, and the others followed. Since he really admired his pet, he gave all of the materialistic punishment to her, while the others had to do push-ups and stuff. In the end, the girl had to wear a dog tail, dog collar, and dog ears and her hands were tied like those of a slave. He commanded her to spin three times, then bark…which she did. Embarrassed, by her position, her face was scarlet during the whole lecture report. And he burned that memory within his mind.

Even though with his sadism, his manipulativeness, with everything that changed within him. Right now, he feels most lacking. Usually he'd spend the days sad, and not doing anything. Neither could those moving cartoon characters nor the books that people wrote could fix this. Sometimes I see that there are also faint signs of persistent depression.

My friend here, has experienced drastic changes within him. I don’t know what was the cause of it, and what personality disorder he has here. He makes friends, just to use them, yet he doesn’t want them to be damaged. He thinks that people are like his toys (since he doesn’t want other people ruining his toys, I guess?). whatever might be the cause of his personality change, his dysthymia, I want to know. I have the right to know. I have the obligation to know.

….since the truth is, I am him.
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Postby baxso » Thu May 11, 2017 5:13 pm

Dear Vertical,

I took some time to read most of the story and history about your friend.

First, I would like to thank you about your care and amazingly keeping your track of your friend, I know it's not stalking but I mean as a mean to care and know what life he is going through, you are such a good friend.

I would like to clear out that I am not professional, but I have met and dealt with many personalities, specially my close friends and people who I used to know on a long term.

What I understand from your friend, he is a smart individual, who can get hooked in things easily and also lose interest easily that something happened, correct? I can tell he is merely looking for something to fuel him up with, such as goals and progress to achieve a desired level of almost anything comes in mind.

He's clearly not a bad person or an evil dude, but he has a personality with others as you mentioned.
To me I would not worry much, I believe he's around 14~16 years old by know, and guys at this age tend to look for things to do that can bring them on the surface among others, be it famous or noticeable or cool, which I find normal at such ages.

I advice you to be on his side, as a friend and brother, share what you have in your mind, be it something wrong he did and you wanted to talk about, a problem you have noticed and just willing to lend a hand, at such age with a great energy to be hooked up on something, be there to make sure he's not going to get hooked up on really bad things, like drugs.. or bad ideas like leaving school and so on.

As he grows, believe me, he will be interested in many things in life, things makes him so excited and so energetic to get involved with, maturity will happen. You and him will slowly understand the big picture of life, then many things settle and tend to take a more accurate path positively.

I truly wish you all the best, do not worry much, be around him, feed his mind with positively, be a good friend as you are now.

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Postby Vertical » Sat May 13, 2017 8:56 am

baxso wrote:Dear Vertical,

I took some time to read most of the story and history about your friend.

First, I would like to thank you about your care and amazingly keeping your track of your friend, I know it's not stalking but I mean as a mean to care and know what life he is going through, you are such a good friend.

I would like to clear out that I am not professional, but I have met and dealt with many personalities, specially my close friends and people who I used to know on a long term.

What I understand from your friend, he is a smart individual, who can get hooked in things easily and also lose interest easily that something happened, correct? I can tell he is merely looking for something to fuel him up with, such as goals and progress to achieve a desired level of almost anything comes in mind.

He's clearly not a bad person or an evil dude, but he has a personality with others as you mentioned.
To me I would not worry much, I believe he's around 14~16 years old by know, and guys at this age tend to look for things to do that can bring them on the surface among others, be it famous or noticeable or cool, which I find normal at such ages.

I advice you to be on his side, as a friend and brother, share what you have in your mind, be it something wrong he did and you wanted to talk about, a problem you have noticed and just willing to lend a hand, at such age with a great energy to be hooked up on something, be there to make sure he's not going to get hooked up on really bad things, like drugs.. or bad ideas like leaving school and so on.

As he grows, believe me, he will be interested in many things in life, things makes him so excited and so energetic to get involved with, maturity will happen. You and him will slowly understand the big picture of life, then many things settle and tend to take a more accurate path positively.

I truly wish you all the best, do not worry much, be around him, feed his mind with positively, be a good friend as you are now.


thanks mate....... it's good receiving advice.....really thanks mate.
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