17 months and my experience with PAWS (long)

Postby Jalakee » Thu Jul 23, 2020 2:53 pm


I found this forum via Reddit, and it seems to be the web haven for cannabis PAWS sufferers. Well I feel duty-bound to tell my story here since it has been so impactful and there is so little information out there about it. I hope my experience can help others, by the grace of God.

A little about me, I am a 38 year old professional living in the US. I smoked for 12 cumulative years with a 2 year break in the middle during graduate/medical school. I quit when I was 37.

I was a daily smoker but not a high-volume smoker. On a typical day I would smoke 1-2 bowls of high-potency weed, always at home. But I seldom missed more than a day of smoking.

What led me to quit was a progressive loss of enjoyment of the drug that culminated in a series of severe panic attacks. What used to be the 'love of my life' now mostly made me paranoid, irritable, and extremely anti-social. I knew I needed to quit, but deep down in my soul I didnt want to quit. I had a bit of an ego about it too; I thought well I made all the way through a difficult college program, graduate school, and now a professional career with my habit so screw everyone else. I felt I was a bit of a rebel for my age and profession and just wasnt willing to let it go.

The panic attacks were the last straw and forced me to quit cold turkey. These were unprovoked, prolonged and severe. I had had panic attacks before, but not for a long, long time and it was something that happened in specific situations. Once it happened with edibles and another time with a normal smoke.

This started the cascade of acute and post-acute withdrawal symptoms that listed the better part of a year, with still some recovery happening to this day. I'll give you a timeline so you dont have to read a novel.

Weeks 0-3: Severe, pervasive anxiety. I was never previously an anxious person in daily life. I had no history of disorders. Physically, I was a mess. I would have urgent diarrhea instantly upon opening my eyes, very little appetite, sweats, panic, constant runny nose, headaches, and fitful sleep. I was barely functional.

Months 1-3: Continued daily anxiety, now perforated with random episodes of severe, existential depression. My physical symptoms began to normalize a bit. During this time I tried a few doses of an antidepressant prescribed by my doctor as I was desperate to feel normal again. This was a HUGE mistake, and sent me into a tailspin of suicidal thoughts and severe depression I never even thought possible. I stopped immediately, but would get echoes of this feeling for a year to come.

Months 4-6: Around month 5 is when things began to turn the corner a bit. Having more good days than bad, but still not processing stress or emotions very well. I would have good days and stretches of bad days seemingly out of nowhere. Travel or stressful events would send my anxiety sky high. Depressive echoes continued randomly. Sleep was of variable quality. Anhedonia in almost all my old hobbies and pastimes. Very little if any joy.

Months 7-12: Improvements, but still ups and downs. The crippling anxiety was more or less gone, but during this time I was going through some fertility treatments to start a family. These hormones made me very anxious and uncomfortable and my PAWS brain was just not well-equipped to deal with the ups and downs. I felt as I was going backwards, which was disheartening. I also experienced some depersonalization/derealization a few times during anxiety spells. Very bizarre feeling, as if you are piloting a robot body. I began to have some joy again with hobbies.

Months 12-14: Once I got the fertility thing sorted out I experienced marked PAWS improvements. Mostly normal on a day to day basis. My interest and passion for my hobbies returned. Sleep was consistent. Anxiety was only episodic with stressful events. Depressive echoes would still occur but to a much milder degree; and easier to snap out of.

Months 15-17 (now): I would say 90-95% of my "normal mind" has returned. My ability to experience joy, contentment, interest, and also better process the negative feelings which every person sometimes has. This is the new frontier for me; as I avoided dealing with my emotions for so many years with weed as my crutch. Certain activities can still provoke undue anxiety and I deal with these on a case-by-case basis.

In summary the process is still ongoing, but I have a level of normalcy and peace that is now my baseline. I never thought this would take as long as it has, and I never in a million years imagined this happening as a result of my weed habit. I think there is a certain subset of people this will happen to, and two risk factors seem to be length of use and high potency use. While I have nothing against it on principle, it is not the benign panacea people think it is. Extended and intense use can have serious mental consequences and I think we will see more and more of this in young people.

It's funny, because the weed of my youth was nothing like the weed of today. I remember it being warm, hazy, and fun. You could smoke a truckload and only get a headache. The weed of today has been adulterated over so many generations that I think it's become something we never intended it to be. There is a darkness to it and 'spirit', if you will, of anxiety. That could just be my view of it but I suspect I'm not alone.

I can promise you all that you WILL get your normal mind back. You just have to have faith, give it time, and be proactive. While no one thing is curative, the things that helped me the most were my spiritual faith, regular therapy sessions, reading and watching positive material, exercise, and not putting anything mind-altering into your body. The one exception might be caffeine; but even that I could not touch for a long time. Avoid alcohol for at least 1 year. And never touch weed again!!

Hang in there, it will get better and you will be restored. Tell yourself it could take up to 2 years, even though it may not. This will set your expectations to a realistic level, so you arent steamrolled by a bad wave when you thought it was gone. It is a very non-linear, truncated process, but just have faith.

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Postby Chap_85 » Tue Jul 28, 2020 9:14 pm

Great post.
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Postby Smokeyzen » Thu Jan 28, 2021 1:13 am

Thanks for sharing this!

Your story of pot smoking, how long and how much a day is similar to mine (though I would often smoke 4 - 5 bowls a day.) you and I are also the same age.

I am in week one of stopping cold turkey. It was betraying me - giving me severe anxious feelings and being up all the time - began to wonder why the hell I was even smoking if this is now how it made me feel. I realized within the last year that I was and have been addicted.

I also have had a lot of personal stress over the last 4 years - trauma level stress that actually had me develop a weird heart rhythm that lasted for a year straight - and has now reduced to just random extra/skipped beats.

But man - the withdrawal sucks - body tension, irritable, head fog, headaches, anxiety, depression, so much stuff.

On top of that I’m currently dealing with high blood pressure - which I’m sure was not helped by the constant anxious state marijuana kept me in for years. I’m hoping this all goes away.

I’m seeing a doctor for certain things (like the blood pressure) but I’ve heard even high BP can be caused by marijuana and it’s withdrawal.

Hard to believe something I thought I could enjoy my entire life - has become something that might be responsible for all the things that was making my life miserable.

Glad to have read your story. Thanks for sharing!!
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Postby WeWillDoThis » Tue May 18, 2021 1:54 pm

Any further updates on this? I seem to be in a similar situation. I'm a mid 30's professional that has been smoking cumulatively for approx 17 years, with varying frequency. The last 1.5 years has been daily usage. My volume was also pretty low, I was truly using it to "medicate" to relieve stress and would indulge a little heavier on the weekends, I'd maybe use a gram in a week to 10 days (if that) and would typically stick with flower (non dispensary grade).

I had a random panic attack about 5 weeks ago and that triggered me to want to quit. I went 2 weeks w/ out it and had severe anxiety and mild/moderate depression. My doctor prescribed Vysteril (hydroxizine) to help w/ the anxiety and help w/ sleep. I believe it did help me sleep but not sure what it did about my anxiety. I then became weak and did a small celebration on 4/20 and immediately regretted it. I've been clean now for nearly 4 weeks, but am having a hard time w/ the anxiety and depression. I have no idea if this is PAWS or I'm still in the detox/acute recovery phase. I have a fairly stressful job and two young children which is likely compounding things. I want to remain strong for my kids, my wife and for my career but I'm already fearful that my anxiety and depression are only going to get worse in the coming weeks/months. My doctor recommended I use the Vysteril if needed and she even recommended trying something called Buspar if things get worse but, from what I've been reading that can make things worse or lengthen the recovery time. I've also read conflicting stories on CBD products, I've used them in the past to help w/ stress and focus and have had positive results but again, don't want to derail my recovery. One thing is for certain, I don't want to use Marijuana any more and I'm committed to getting through this! Thank you everyone for sharing their stories and experience.
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Postby Jalakee » Sun May 23, 2021 4:51 pm

Yes I can provide some updates. I totally hear you and have been through everything you are going through!

Without rehashing my first year and a half, I'll say that the 10 months or so since I wrote this have had their ups and downs. Mostly circumstantial---we had our first baby come very early and there were a lot of stressors associated with both my wife's and the baby's health. On top of that being new parents. It would have been hard for anyone. But thanks be to God our son is doing well and for all He has blessed us with.

So I do believe that PAWS is in my past, but I've also come to learn that there are some well-worn pathways in my mind from 18+ months of depression and anxiety.

Looking back, I think anyone who is using weed every day for years on end is trying to escape something. That's not "casual use", despite what we tell ourselves. Whatever the reasons were we originally got into it---be it fun, an escape, self-medicating, or what have you---gave way into addiction and that addiction gave way to a poison. The very thing you sought to soothe you has hijacked your brain chemistry and is instead started providing the opposite. It's an insidious drug.

So now at 27 months, I no longer have the "PAWS brain" as it were, but I do still struggle with mood stability. This is a more difficult thing to sort out. Like you I started smoking at a very young age, so I didnt really have a sober healthy adult baseline of mental health. While I think I am somewhat of a moody person just in general, it's very easy for me to get off the rails into depression and anxiety zones and takes a lot of intentional effort sometimes to check my thoughts an attitudes. It is definitely nowhere near PAWS where those states were pervasive and consuming. I still see a therapist, more for maintenance, and do not take antidepressants.

I can only tell you my experience, and that is that PAWS changed me and I am still recovering to degree, but more learning to have peace and joy in everyday life through my thoughts and attitude, without the crutch of weed or another drug. I had occasional anxious tendencies long before weed and those are still there, but I have better tools to deal with them now.

Regarding your situation and the use of adjuvants like CBD or anti-anxiety meds, this is not my area of expertise but I would strongly advise against any cannabis products whatsoever. I also dont think prescription antidepressants are the best idea when your brain is trying to rewire from years of another drug. Just my opinion though.

All in all hang in there, it does and will get better.
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Postby ZumM » Sun Aug 15, 2021 7:34 am

So happy finding your topic. I'm on cold turkey for two and half month. Been heavy smoker since 13, im 32 years now. Last 8 years been smoking daily 4-7 joints plus other party drugs, cocaine, mdma, amphetamyne, meth, lsd, shrooms. Im a Dj so those drugs were making me temporarily "happy" and plus never enjoyed alcohol so i was abusing drugs so much, heavy ones occassionally. Last joint i smoked made me very anxious, i thought i had heart attack, it felt like skipping a beat, felt hungry for air, wanted to yawn but could't finish it. I was so scared, went next day to the doctor, did cardio, blood, urine, lung tests. Unexpectedly great results. I still decided to quit. Doc gave me Xanax, which i took for 2 weeks half pill a day, helped a bit. First 2 weeks were terrible, extreme anxiety, shorness of breath, angry af, vivid dreams, depersonalization, woking up sweaty and shaky, insomnia, my appetite was somehow fine. Symptoms start fading out after a month for 4-5 days i thought i was getting better, but nope, same things were happening but more mild version, some days i was feeling better, other days felt restless, dizzy, anxious again. After i celebrate my 2 month sobriety again i thought it was done cuz 7-8 days i felt great, very light panic attacks, no brain fog, but its back again. I started having concerns about my physical health, i almost fainted couple times at work, so got scared. Went to the doctor again nothings wrong. Its more mental rather than physical, but its connected. If i have panic attacks now, i talk to myself that im fine and its gonna go away, doing belly breathing for couple minutes and im fine. What really irritates me is dizziness and having no power, trying to exercise and meditate everyday. I was searching in google how long it takes for withdrawal and results were just 1 month max, so i guess we're rare ones. Reading your story really gave me peace i needed. Im gonna give myself time now to heal. Whoever gonna read this wanna say don't give up please, withdrawal is real and its very tough, specially for heavy users. You're not alone. Thank you so much
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