Anger vs Agression.

Postby Biads » Sun May 25, 2014 4:00 am

According to the good book wiki:

"Anger is an emotional response related to one's psychological interpretation of having been threatened."

And from an online dictionary:


a strong feeling of displeasure and belligerence aroused by a wrong; wrath.

Anger it seems is reactionary. It has a purpose. It is a defence mechanism. To be truly angry you are reacting to an attack.
Anger can be useful.

So what then do we think of anger that has no cause? Anger without threat? Anger that stems from nothing? Self perpetuating anger?

I suggest that there is no such thing as an anger issue, as anger has a purpose - there is an issue with aggressive and abusive behaviour.

If you are instigating the attack you are not angry - you are an attacker, an aggressor, an abuser.
Even if you initially react to an attack with anger, but then continue with aggression after the threat has been deflected this is not an anger issue, but again an issue of aggression.

I think here is lies the distinction where many of us get confused, and use "anger" as a crutch to justify immature, irrational and inexcusable behaviour.

And thus if you are attacking you should own up to attacking,
if you are abusing, you should own up to the abusing,
if you are being aggressive you should own up to that choice and use the appropriate words.

Anger should not be a stand in word to diffuse unacceptable situations.

The word anger has been given a bad wrap. And maybe prevents people from amending bad behaviour.
The only way to correct antisocial behaviour such as aggression is to understand it, accept it, own up to it, and approach it accordingly.
So it is very detrimental to society to use the word anger to cover up what are greater problems.

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Postby laureat » Sun May 25, 2014 10:53 pm

There are better options we can choose;so we dont need think of aggression as an option we can choose

For example; if someone finds out his wife is cheating him; how he reacts to the pain?

There are people who react aggressive; they panic;

But there are people who surrender to that, they may become depressed for some days; than they choose to create new life...

My point is that we can train ourselves to choose different options; about how to deal with all that pain instead of spending life in jail

We want to learn to choose better options how to react, we want to condition the mind to choose other options; and this makes us socialized creatures;
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Postby JuliusFawcett » Sun May 25, 2014 10:56 pm

Anger is related to fear. Anger and rage actually inhibit the immune system. Anger starts with thought patterns, and these thought patterns can be dissolved with thought patterns to do with love, peace, harmony, forgiveness, acceptance, surrender. This video can help you to dissolve anger and find more happiness in your life. ... YwdCN2DLoN
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Postby laureat » Sun May 25, 2014 11:19 pm

When someone is abusing; or whatever anger or aggression

Is because there is pain or fear behind that;

Now we should not excuse that; because there are better options we can choose
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