Research Question: Steps to Defusing a Hostile Person

Postby TalkToMe » Mon Nov 21, 2005 11:00 am

Feedback is more than welcome from both professsionals and non-professionals. I'm looking for outside opinions as a standard to judge my own thinking on a project that I am putting together.

What are the steps that you use to defuse an angry or hostile person? The context I mean here is out and about in your daily life, whether it be a b/f or g/f, coworker, boss, random person. How do you defuse another person's anger? I'm really interested to know your opinions here since it applies to us all.

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Postby satanstoystore » Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:37 pm

I match their body language, their tone, their focus, their level of frustration, their overall feelings. I mirror back what they say. Then I tone it down a bit and ask, that's important because.....? Then I mirror it back again. And then ask them again, oh such and such is important because....? and pretty soon you get to the root value system empowering their pissy mood. Simply find exceptions to the model of how they built what they think is going on.

Ask them, well what if before you got angry you considered that perhaps [insert exceptions], how differently would you think about this now?

ok, so that was a bit of trickery. Going before an invent is almost like saying, hey go into a trance now and lets do some time distortion so we can make a new neural path considering a different possibility and only think about how differently it would be.

Of course now that there's two possible realities to consider their feelings on the subject get diffused or simply collapse. If they still feel the same then the wrong values were elicited and or the wrong exceptions were introduced. no I didn't make this up. It's really fun to do too.
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