Journal entry 15.

Postby bowler32 » Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:18 am

Dear journal,

Today, I am going to fight for what I believe in that there is true love for everyone. We can't give up on that small bit of hope that there is that special someone. We have to keep fighting, and never give up. I repeat, never give up. If you want something, go get it, don't let anyone stop you. Life can be difficult. There are challenges we face. Sometimes it can be alone or with others by our side. In truth, there is only one person who can make that happen in which is you. You are the only one who can bring this suffering down and kick it in the butt. Take it down with all that you have. Giving up means only one thing which is failure. The fact that you are still here means that you haven't failed. When life presents you with opportunity take advantage of it, because usually, this opportunity only comes once, and it will mostly likely never come again. There is only one chance at this lifetime. I am not sure about after life's but this one I know to be true. My life quote is, "Live everyday like it's your last." This quote has given me perspective on life. We are not sure if there is a tomorrow or a week later, month or year. What we do know is now. That now is time to act, not sorrow. It only makes sense that we take the time we have and make use of that time. Many people go through their entire lives in despair, instead of doing something about it. If you have the opportunity to go to college, then, go for it. I know it is a lot of time and work, but in the end, it will be worth it. There were many times in my college days I wanted to quit and move back home, but I stayed strong and accomplished it. The best things in life are the simple pleasures. Don't take this life for granted. You will regret it for the rest of your life. It is also important to know that when times are tough to keep fighting. I emphasize this because I have been there. I know what it is like to being on the verge of giving up.
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