Rage Attacks

Postby Harlow » Sat Oct 15, 2016 7:44 pm

I am sensitive to every word and gesture.I analyze what people say, stripping sentences apart piece by piece until I find something that may not even be a something. So, as a child I'd been called sensitive quite a lot.
"Stop crying" they'd say "Man up" (even though I was a female of course).
I repressed my anger, and held my tongue hard until it bled (metaphorically).
And now, as a teenager it's all caught up with me and I often get so angry that I bang my head against walls and harm myself to cope with the rage.
I get exasperated quickly, I have no patience. Sometimes I get so furious I have rage attacks and struggle to breath and stay in reality.
It's as if I'm being pushed to the back of my mind, and I can still see out my eyes but I am not fully in control.
In these moments I have to take deep breaths and often end up screaming at the top of my lungs and cursing in anger to let it all out.
I hate being so angry.
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Postby laureat » Sat Oct 15, 2016 11:26 pm

Before you want to diagnose oneself with something, make sure you have a good balanced life: work, rest, play
Lots of times we may need a nap and so we may start to feel uncomfortable, like when a baby needs a sleep starts to cry ,
Make sure you dont do unhealthy excitement , like if I would listen dance music for hours and be like excited, soon I may need a rest if not , start to feel uncomfortable, so manage your excitement, work, rest, relaxation play

Make sure you have goals, that also include physical action
Now these days I see lots of friends they only swotch from one acticity like phone to conputer, which doesnt have physical acticity involved,
You need to think of going for something like going for a lovely relqxing walk around, .stuff like that,

So you start to crrate positive experiences, and you change how you feel about,
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Postby Leo Volont » Sun Oct 16, 2016 12:25 pm

Hi Harlow (great name!)

Most people with ‘Anger Issues’ have what I guess we could call ‘moderate anger’, that is, they have just enough Angry Episodes a year to get them in trouble at Work or at Home. Much of this Moderate Anger can be traced to having been brought up in somewhat dysfunctional homes, where the adult Role Models were also angry enough to set bad examples. Then there are many Peer Groups among the young where a kind of primitive barbaric tone of threat and aggression seems to be the Standard of Behavior, and by adapting to such peer groups otherwise good kids can be mentally and emotionally conditioned so some very nasty behavioral and cognitive habits . But ALL THAT can be fixed, IF the person can be made to see the errors in the way he habitually evaluates social situations, and if he also is willing to submit to trading Old Dysfunctional Behavioral Habits for New and Improved typical ways of responding to Social Cues and Triggers. But, again, here we are talking about Moderate Anger.

You have Rage, and that is different. And what strikes me about your Rage is that it seems almost kind of Obsessive Compulsive in a sort of Paranoid way, in the sense that you dwell on and mull over each little Social Interaction most excessively, and then, well, for all the Thought and Analysis you put into each Extended Appraisal, you probably rarely find some Good Reason Not to get Angry, or some explanation that could help mitigate against the seriousness of whatever you might construe to be an Insult. You tend to always align your Behavior with your Worst Case Scenarios.

Now, yes, you might have what we could call an ‘Extreme’ Case of ‘Moderate Anger’, where your family and peer group was Way over the Top in influencing you Badly, But that is probably not the Case, is it? For instance, your Family knew you were different… that you were ‘Sensitive’. So I think you have a Neuro-Physical Chemical Imbalance that effects the way you See your World, Interpret Situations, and the Way you Respond to Social Cues – it is like you are running ‘off the rails’.
Also I think that it is significant that your Problem got significantly worse as you reached sexual maturity and approached adulthood. They used to call it ‘Adult Onset Schizophrenia’ … but I believe that ‘word’ has gone out of use, or applied much more narrowly then it was before. But my point is that with Maturity certain hormones and neuro-chemicals increase significantly from childhood levels, or there are ‘new’ chemicals that come into play, ANDIF they are Out of Balance, then Problems arise – such as yours.

You should read Potatank’s Post, “My Anger Then and Now”. He admits to having once been quite insanely Angry…and horribly Violent. It makes very interesting reading! But, finally, he ended up in just the right Doctor’s Office and he was prescribed a tiny little minimal dosage of some Anti-Psychotic Medicine, and, Voila! Over Night he was a completely New Guy… none of the Usual Stuff annoyed him in the least – he suddenly Saw the World as an Intelligent and Well Brought Up Person would see it. It was kind of a Medical Miracle, wouldn’t you say?

Well, yes, if you will allow me to explain a situation that I really don’t know much about, to give Potatank that drug, they had to diagnose him with Bipolar Disorder or something like that. But the way a Psychiatrist once explained it to me is that Nobody Really Knows what is in another person’s head, and so it is really Hard to Scientifically Diagnose anybody with a psychiatric disorder, SO, what they do is they take a Good Guess as to what might be wrong and they Prescribe the Drug that Fixes that Condition, and IF the Patient significantly improves then THAT verified the Diagnosis. What it comes down to is that Psychiatry is kind of the opposite of Physical Medicine where they diagnose an Illness first and then Treat it. The Psychiatrist Treats First and Diagnoses afterward – a Successful Treatment Outcome verifying what the Original Problem ‘necessarily must have been’… scientifically speaking.

Anyway, Harlow, tell me what you think?
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Postby Carla2016 » Sun Oct 16, 2016 3:15 pm

Anger is good! Its purpose is to show people real colour when confronting them.
Angry people are sincere, honest, direct, real...no game players. Respect!
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Postby Leo Volont » Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:05 am

Dear Harlow,

Hmmmmm... perhaps there is something that I can tell you about this Site which may be useful, and that is that there are many Members among us, and they divide roughly into Two Groups. There are those who have used various methods and techniques that have effectively Fixed their Anger Problems (for the most part) and they are here as 'Helpers' to help and to share what has empirically worked for them. But then there are others, and often they are Very Angry and very Socially Dysfunctional People, who come to this site in order to Justify their Own Anger by insisting, to others who come here for Help that their Anger is Actually A Good, Noble, and especially Proud Thing -- that BEING ANGRY obviously Makes One Superior to all other people .... while the Sheep and the Cows of Humanity can be Calm, well, any Vibrantly Alive and Self Respecting Person should always be in some state of Outrage concerning the Injustice Of It All, etc, etc, etc.

In short, there are People who are here to Help and there are people here who derive some kind of satisfaction in trying to undermine the Program.

So, a good exercise for you would be to carefully read every reply you get and attempt to discern whether or not following their advice could help you toward a better and happier future, or would be more likely to set your progress back.
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Postby laureat » Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:08 pm

Carla2016 wrote:Anger is good! Its purpose is to show people real colour when confronting them.
Angry people are sincere, honest, direct, real...no game players. Respect!

Naturaly anger is there for a good reason,
Fear is also there for a good reason

But social life success it is important to understand how to be humble, for example if I have to choose my favorite celebrities you always pick those who are more humble, or at least look like they are

Adele, michael jackson, and these kind of celebrities which has some of humbleness values,

Even a hip hop artist like 2pac, they have some of the humble values, does not necessary mean not to be proud of oneself, but reasonable

If all you present is aggression, anger, arrogance, dominant you are unwanted in society,

A little humble is the special ingredient for social life success

Ready to listen,
Ready to understand,
ready to share love,

And that is not fake, it is showing respect to the other,
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Postby Carla2016 » Thu Nov 03, 2016 8:40 pm

"very Socially Dysfunctional People" funny one!
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Postby Leo Volont » Fri Nov 04, 2016 10:14 am

Carla2016 wrote:"very Socially Dysfunctional People" funny one!

You'll stop laughing if you can every hold a job...
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Postby Introspectah » Tue Nov 08, 2016 1:08 pm

Harlow wrote:I am sensitive to every word and gesture.I analyze what people say, stripping sentences apart piece by piece until I find something that may not even be a something. So, as a child I'd been called sensitive quite a lot.
"Stop crying" they'd say "Man up" (even though I was a female of course).
I repressed my anger, and held my tongue hard until it bled (metaphorically).
And now, as a teenager it's all caught up with me and I often get so angry that I bang my head against walls and harm myself to cope with the rage.
I get exasperated quickly, I have no patience. Sometimes I get so furious I have rage attacks and struggle to breath and stay in reality.
It's as if I'm being pushed to the back of my mind, and I can still see out my eyes but I am not fully in control.
In these moments I have to take deep breaths and often end up screaming at the top of my lungs and cursing in anger to let it all out.
I hate being so angry.

There's nothing wrong with your anger, as there's a good reason you have instinctively adapted your self to behave as such.

What is of utmost importance, if you'd still be willing to sort out your struggle, is to endeavour to pinpoint the original cause of your anger.

I naturally relate to the tone of your passage so i feel eager to get together with you.
Hope you will want and manage to take up the initiative.

My heart-felt compassion.
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Postby Leo Volont » Thu Nov 10, 2016 12:55 am

Introspectah wrote:
There's nothing wrong with your anger, as there's a good reason you have instinctively adapted your self to behave as such.

So, there is Nothing Wrong with Anger, and we are all to pride ourselves in acting only as Instinct would dictate.

So I guess we are just all animals now. I suppose we no longer recognize a Human Distinction. the Idea of "Humanity" is now considered as much of a Superstition as, well, most of the Things that could be combined to make Civilization possible. I think there must be some New Characteristic Way that People Now Think in this New Millennium which is not so much as Self Destructive as it is destructive toward the Social Bonds that could keep Societies Together. It seems that People are indeed yearning for a New Dark Age....
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Postby Introspectah » Thu Nov 10, 2016 9:36 am

So, there is Nothing Wrong with Anger, and we are all to pride ourselves in acting only as Instinct would dictate.

The aim of my message was to validate the developmentally arrested child's reason to have adjusted itself in such an expectable, quite logical manner, not to encourage the continuation of dysfunctional behaviour.

The reason why i feel it of utmost importance to primarily validate the existence of such behaviour is becauee if you don't, the individual will rather be inclined to villify themselves and define their behavior as purely illogical, unreasonable and unnecessary; a view which does not stimulate growth at all.

So of course i would not recommend anyone to act out ther instincts whenever they contain such danger to harm [usually one self more than any one else].

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Postby Leo Volont » Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:07 am

Introspectah wrote:
So, there is Nothing Wrong with Anger, and we are all to pride ourselves in acting only as Instinct would dictate.

The aim of my message was to validate the developmentally arrested child's reason to have adjusted itself in such an expectable, quite logical manner, not to encourage the continuation of dysfunctional behaviour.

The reason why i feel it of utmost importance to primarily validate the existence of such behaviour is becauee if you don't, the individual will rather be inclined to villify themselves and define their behavior as purely illogical, unreasonable and unnecessary; a view which does not stimulate growth at all.

So of course i would not recommend anyone to act out ther instincts whenever they contain such danger to harm [usually one self more than any one else].


Dear Introspecta,

Yes, I know you mean well. I know that you have Sources that believe the same thing you do. But, it is simply not logical to Validate what is Wrong. It is okay to Understand Motives for Doing Wrong -- Selfishness, for instance. But Validation is too close to Commendation. Yes, if people are told they have acted wrong and shamefully, well, it might make them ashamed and they may feel bad. But when people Do Wrong shouldn't they feel Ashamed? It would Seem a Useful Thing to have People be Ashamed of doing what is Wrong... even just what is Inappropriate for the Time and Place. Just as Voltaire said of a Higher Moral Being, it is probably true that if Shame didn't already exist, it would be a nice thing to Invent.

Nobody acts with Perfect Social Ease and Cordiality of Manner who hasn't made a Thousand Prior Mistakes and been deeply ashamed of them all... at the time.... after 20 or 30 years one can be allowed to smile at some of the more ludicrous faux pas.

You speak of Children. Do you ever realize how Confusing it is for Children when they receive so many Mixed Messages. On One Level THEY KNOW they have done Wrong, mostly because a 'Situation' has been created and the Adults are Stepping In -- that Always Means Something Is Wrong. And THEN they are Validated. and Then they are given Instruction on how to Make Sure They Never Do It Again. You don't think that is confusing. OR, the Adults simply Cut the Kid Loose, and feel to Correct the Child would irreparably damage him or her... their precious Self Esteem...and so they are left to grown up Wild and without any effective Moral of Social Guidance.

Also, reason Children with UnConditional Self-Esteem and Validation, well, it has been around for Decades now, and So We Know how the Adults turn out. It seems Not So Good. For instance, the Millennials, as they call them, well, they are having Trouble establishing Careers. it seems they have no sense of Standards... no Measure of Excellence by which they conduct themselves. Lackluster Performance seems Good Enough... after all, for their Entire Lives they were not held to Standards.... Esteem was a Free and Unconditional Gift. That Spoiled them. So you have a Generation of Adults living in their Parent's basements... Great Philosophy -- sounds good in the Lecture Hall, but in real life if just doesn't quite pan out as expected.
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Postby Introspectah » Thu Nov 10, 2016 11:55 am

Yes, I know you mean well. I know that you have Sources that believe the same thing you do. But, it is simply not logical to Validate what is Wrong

What is logical is to validate the child's reason for having acted wrongfully, often in accordance with having been raised wrongfully.

More often than not when someone who's expected to have matured fully finds him or herself acting out childish caprices, the inner child's been perpetuating dysfunctional behaviour which it had never been allowed to bring to resolution or come to terms with.

Usually the primary caretakers are responsible for having negligently raised a child with unsufficient care for and consideration to the dynamic of the child's emotional life hence, generally speaking, the normally grown up child first needs to understand that the behavioral adaptations (s)he's developed (mostly) in relation to its parents manner of upbringing, were expectable and fairly normal given the limited resources available and the ignorance prevalent all around and within.

Nobody acts with Perfect Social Ease and Cordiality of Manner who hasn't made a Thousand Prior Mistakes and been deeply ashamed of them all... at the time.... after 20 or 30 years one can be allowed to smile at some of the more ludicrous faux pas.

Be cautious when forming such broad generalizations that largely stem from personal experience.

They may apply to a majority but most certainly do not apply to every human being on the planet, hence ''nobody'' is an unjust term to utilize in this context.
Though i get what you're aiming to convey.

You speak of Children. Do you ever realize how Confusing it is for Children when they receive so many Mixed Messages. On One Level THEY KNOW they have done Wrong, mostly because a 'Situation' has been created and the Adults are Stepping In -- that Always Means Something Is Wrong. And THEN they are Validated. and Then they are given Instruction on how to Make Sure They Never Do It Again. You don't think that is confusing.

All that i can infer from this is that it simply appears to be confusing you, as you have little to no knowledge of how i would approach the situation, indeed quite differently in adjustment to the uniquality of each individual child.

OR, the Adults simply Cut the Kid Loose, and feel to Correct the Child would irreparably damage him or her... their precious Self Esteem...and so they are left to grown up Wild and without any effective Moral of Social Guidance.

Don't know why you bring this up.
Because you've inferred this libertarian ideal of parenting might be something i'd raise as an advisable form of parenthood?
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