Eruptions of Anger

Postby AriesFire » Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:15 pm

I am a 34yrold male originally from NJ(perhaps that has something to do with this). I've had anger issues I would say all of my life,perhaps it's inherited also. From tantrums as a child to my mother calling me a hothead to present day. It's to the point now where I'm afraid I may hurt someone or something if I can't deal with this. I'm trying to notice patterns and I notice lately that it takes very little to get me fired up. It's like I'm a simmering fire,always there and ready to flame at any time. Perhaps it also has to do with life circumstances,I've always had somewhat of a tumultuous life which resulted in all kinds of instability. I just feel like it's snowballing and becoming bigger than I can handle. In the past for example when things got to be too much I would just pick up and move to a new area,but which after awhile brought it's own set of problems eventually. Currently though I'm in a situation which I can't escape from and only get in deeper as I have recently married but we live in an area which I Abhor and can't stand,which mostly feeds into my frustration and anxiety as well. Basically whenever I go out around here,even to go to the store I get easily frustrated. I've had so many problems with the people here that anything that goes wrong just feeds my frustration and seems to put me in a bad mood,and a chain reaction occurs. Today a chain reaction occured when I went to the store,right now I'm out of work so I have no money to begin with so I got overcharged at the store which when my money gets screwed with I get really mad. Got home and the nosy neighbors were outside,and all I wanted to to was get inside. Well I guess I was pissed because I broke the flipping glass on the storm door a week before we're set to move out of this house. How's that for a sh*tty chain reaction? By the way,we're not lucky enough to be moving out of town,just across it. That's a sample of my life.
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Postby changing » Fri Jul 22, 2005 7:26 pm

AriesFire wrote:I am a 34yrold male originally from NJ(perhaps that has something to do with this). I've had anger issues I would say all of my life,perhaps it's inherited also. From tantrums as a child to my mother calling me a hothead to present day. It's to the point now where I'm afraid I may hurt someone or something if I can't deal with this. I'm trying to notice patterns and I notice lately that it takes very little to get me fired up. It's like I'm a simmering fire,always there and ready to flame at any time. Perhaps it also has to do with life circumstances,I've always had somewhat of a tumultuous life which resulted in all kinds of instability. I just feel like it's snowballing and becoming bigger than I can handle. In the past for example when things got to be too much I would just pick up and move to a new area,but which after awhile brought it's own set of problems eventually. Currently though I'm in a situation which I can't escape from and only get in deeper as I have recently married but we live in an area which I Abhor and can't stand,which mostly feeds into my frustration and anxiety as well. Basically whenever I go out around here,even to go to the store I get easily frustrated. I've had so many problems with the people here that anything that goes wrong just feeds my frustration and seems to put me in a bad mood,and a chain reaction occurs. Today a chain reaction occured when I went to the store,right now I'm out of work so I have no money to begin with so I got overcharged at the store which when my money gets screwed with I get really mad. Got home and the nosy neighbors were outside,and all I wanted to to was get inside. Well I guess I was pissed because I broke the flipping glass on the storm door a week before we're set to move out of this house. How's that for a sh*tty chain reaction? By the way,we're not lucky enough to be moving out of town,just across it. That's a sample of my life.

hey aries,

wanted to let you know that you are not alone in the way you feel. what you express all sounds very familiar to me, i've been there done that. i think some anger management might help you or may be some cognitive behavioural therapy would help to change your thinking to positive. i've been through a lot in my life many traumatic experiences left me like a walking time bomb, you'll go round in circles & it is possible that you could do some damage to someone close to you or yourself so i think it would be a good idea to seek some form of support/therapy. it takes time but you probably need to talk to someone about the experiences you have gone through as they have obviously left you with the unwanted behaviour that you recognise in yourself today. noticing is the first step the next is to seek out that support that you need, pat yourself on the back for making the first move, things can change you deserve to feel better about yourself & do not deserve to be locked away & frightened - i wouldn't go out for years for fear of what i might do to others, please don't waste years away like did, life is too short, you deserve only the best.

best wishes to you xxx
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Postby oevt » Sun Jul 24, 2005 3:38 pm

Know most you say
I get anger some like you do but in a different way but that will be other dat talk
Righ now I wish this helps out
first your profile if i get it rather ok then we must keep talking if not then just put it aside.

You have over the average IQ so dealing with fools is a demeritor in your daily routine
Having economic stress does not help either and you spend time making ends meet

Moving around won't make the problem go away.
When things get this heavy is hard for you to focus and easy for you to explode

Take deep breaths think about it and if I was rather right we'll be in touch let's find you a solution.

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Postby angrywife » Tue Jul 26, 2005 8:01 pm

You need to work on keeping your cool, dear. I mean, really make an effort to 'force' yourself to be in control of yourself at all times.

This is your life and you have a right ot be happy, and to live in peace without anger!

You are worked up because you have so much going on right now, and you are worried about making it all right. Believe me, use your energy on finding a job and being pleasant rather than blowing up. You are only isolating yourself and making things worse.

Being optimistic is the only thing that can help you improve your situation. Take dep breaths, be calm and take things one day at a time, trying every moment to make your 'sh**ty' life better!
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