peaceful_soul wrote: I knew that when somebody came in our department and I wasn't there, my colleagues said to everybody that I was guilty for the bad smell.
No, they didn't. You have no way of "knowing" they told "everybody". As you pointed out, you were not there. Since you were not there, you are assuming, you are guessing, you are using your imagination based on stories they told you.
everywhere I go and all the new people I meet, they believe in those voices.
No they don't. Again, you are making assumptions. It is in your head that new people somehow know and care about some rumor from 7 years ago. Unless when you meet someone new you are saying, "Hi, nice to meet you. Have you heard about the rumor from 7 years ago about me? Do you believe that rumor?"
because everybody thinks I'm the one to blame.
Again...nope. This is again all in your head. In the rare case that there is a bad smell you have no idea what anyone everybody is thinking.
The bottom line, you have an active imagination about what "everyone" is thinking. You have absolutely, positively, ZERO idea what these people are thinking. When you meet someone new they are probably thinking, "Nice smile," but in your head it is, "This is the famous fart woman."
How did you get to have such an active imagination that you have the superpower to know what everyone is thinking about you all the time?
I'm going to guess that two or three colleagues 7 years ago told you that they blamed you for the fart smell in the office. They saw your reaction and this encouraged them to tease you. They didn't realize and had no way to know, that your imagination would run wild with the idea.
How do you move forward?
Keep a journal. In that journal document every time a person says to you something like, "Hey, you are the fart woman." Document their name, the time, and place. And document each bad smell where someone turns to you and says, "Hey, why did you create that smell."
You are not allowed to document glances of the eyes, whispers, or use your superpower of what you think people are thinking. You are only allowed to document what a person actually says.
After a week look at your journal. If you are honest, the journal will be blank. Look at it after a month. It will be blank. After a year? Blank.