Doubting oneself versus doubt of other human

Postby shaun555 » Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:04 am

I think there is a lot of awareness of anxiety/phobia in todays world. However I am wondering is there still a lot of taboo in describing feelings as distrust or doubt .
Would be wonderful to know views on similarity of both the uncomfortable and unwanted feelings.
To me anxiety is caused due to a feeling of inability to cope if a certain unwanted event occurred. Distrust or doubt on the other hand is a feeling that another person may act unfairly or unethically if given control.
For example a person suffering from aerophobia fears flying and feels panic of an situation, whereas a lady molested as a child may distrust sharing seat with a stranger on a flight.

Does anyone feel that such distrusting fears are controversial and often stifled.

For treating anxiety it is needed to not suppress the negative emotion, rather face the fears.

I would be interested in knowing would it also apply for distrust. Rather than suppressing the negative thought ,one should acknowledge that such a feeling exists and then use similar means as other phobia treatments (example slowly desensitization)
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Postby Cooler » Fri Apr 26, 2019 9:33 am

Hi shaun555,

You have raised a good question. We know that anxiety disorders can come with a wide range of negative emotions. IMO feelings of insecurity and distrust are part of this.

When working with anxious people in my teaching career I found that being open and reliable is vital in helping an anxious person, as another let down would hit them hard. Sometimes it can take a long time to build up enough trust to be really helpful. Also, my own experience of anxiety confirms this.

I agree with you that taboos do remain in this area of health care, perhaps more than we like to think.

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Postby Richard@DecisionSkills » Sat Apr 27, 2019 2:28 am

shaun555 wrote:
...and then use similar means as other phobia treatments (example slowly desensitization)


Consider any issue of trust. A violation of trust is very common in relationships. A teen loses the trust of parents after XYZ behavior. A spouse no longer trusts their partner. A friend no longer trusts another friend.

Typically trust is built over time, but can be lost in an instant. You don’t trust a stranger with your car keys, but after a few weeks or months as you build trust and they are a friend, you then loan them your car.

When trust is lost, then it requires effort to rebuild. The amount of effort is dependent on the degree of violation. An unfaithful spouse is not the same as a friend that damages your car. In other words there are degrees of trust. It will take a lot of effort to ever trust a spouse again, while loaning your car out is not as difficult.

Slow desensitization is very similar in method to rebuilding of trust. It is acceptance that there is mistrust or distrust, followed by slow exposure to small acts of trust over time. In this way trust is regained or built.

Note, like phobias, distrust can be irrational. There are plenty of relationships where there is no evidence trust has been broken yet a partner struggles to trust. There are plenty of people that accuse their partners of being unfaithful, etc.

Anyway, I think you are on the right track. The similarities between dealing with a phobia or anxiety is similar to dealing with an issue of trust.
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