Success Stories


Postby NatJean » Tue Jul 28, 2020 9:03 pm

Hello - I just found this forum today, but it appears that no one has posted since 2018! Hoping to find some support as I go through withdrawal. Today, is 22 days since I quit. I vaped and ate (edibles) marijuana for about a year and throughout that year gradually increased the potency. I was using medical marijuana, so it was very potent. I am 3 weeks in and experiencing a lot of anxiety. I also experience a rush of "warmth" when I start to get anxious. I've learned to cope with that rush to understand that everything is OK. I manage to keep from full blown anxiety attacks now that I know what that feeling is.

I didn't know what was going on, so I was very scared and admitted myself overnight to a behavioral health center who immediately put me on antidepressant Zoloft. HUGE mistake. For 5 days, I was in complete hell. Major increase in anxiety to the point I couldn't be alone, couldn't work, couldn't drive, and had to stay with my parents (I am 38 years old)! On day 5, I started having violent intrusive thoughts, so I said enough is enough.

I believe what happened is the marijuana started giving me anxiety attacks. I have completely quit marijuana and alcohol now for 3 weeks. I've had decent days and some hard days. I read all of your posts and realize that just because I don't feel better now doesn't mean that I won't get there. I need that hope so desperately right now! THANK YOU! Although, the posts are old, they give me the courage and energy to keep facing each day knowing that whether good or bad, each day that passes is one more day closer to healing.

I would appreciate anyone sharing additional stories of success and any advice you are willing to share! Marijuana, I thought, was a safe drug, but I was so so wrong. I cannot wait to get back to the old ME - the strong, determined me. I cannot believe how much weed has impacted who I am. Scary stuff!
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