how to survive bullying

Postby Cara2016 » Sun Dec 18, 2016 11:26 am

hi I have been temping in a large centre and have been subjected to supervisors bulllying me, goading and shouting out things like lets sack, cara, cara needs to be sacked, just finish her, cara, i went to management but then the supervisors told the whole group off and mentioned my name, saying you've got cara to thank you for that,
ive been to night manager and they told me off, saying off one of them got a group of 16 year old she having a nightmare, etc,
it still doesnt give them the excuse to say things about me in the call centre room, i can do the job but the name calling and the goading really gets to me. I have been to them directly and told them to stop but they laugh it off.,
the other night they mentioned me name, my size and made a cruel joke about needing to wear nappies as i was wetting myself.
i have three more days at the call centre but its really getting to me,

Any helpful advice would be nice..

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Postby Richard@DecisionSkills » Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:27 pm

There are thousands of call centers, each with a different culture. Some are quiet, polite places to work while others are rowdy and raunchy. You do not fit with this call center. The same holds true for pretty much any other line of work.

As you are currently a sensitive person that cares what others say, you need to find a place you can work with a nice, polite culture. Of course this will enable you to continue to be hurt anytime someone says something you don't like and it may possibly limit your options in the future. But, if you are content and happy then it can work.
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