Stuck in a cycle of unfulfillment... Please help

Postby shasta » Tue Mar 13, 2012 9:08 pm

I'm constantly stuck in this cycle and I don't know how to get out. I'm tired, I'm broken down, and I just don't know how to change my situation. I feel its probably all psychological, but I just don't know how to shift it. I have read about may self help techniques but none seem to be able to touch this major issue. Please help with any guidance, thoughts, or experiences you might be able to offer. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help and kindness.

Depression... it runs in my family, but I mostly feel it on one occasion...

When I don't have direction, or a clear path in my life. Its a reoccurring thing.... I'll be fine pushing forward pursuing the next thing, until I no longer have a next thing. Its like I must always have something in the pipeline to strive for that is in the direction of my purpose. Or at least seems like I'm on the track to my purpose. I have always felt that my life has a purpose of some sort. I talk to people about their purpose and I hear may different ideas on purpose. I envy the people with fairly simple life purposes that are living it every day. Why can't I just have a purpose that is; caring for animals... or loving and providing for the people in my life? No I feel I must do something bigger, not for personal ego, (because I don't give myself credit even when I do something), but I have a feeling inside that I just haven't found my bigger purpose yet. Yes I realize that I have positively affected quite a few lives in many different ways, but its just not enough for me...

I feel like I must contribute in a big way to something bigger than me. Whether that be humanity, animals, or the environment. So I have done various volunteers jobs. Sometimes for animals, helping a rescue or protection group, then sometimes humanitarian things like teaching disadvantaged children. I have tried many sides of the scope and I feel good getting there, but once I begin the work although I love it, it still doesn't fulfill me, I just start looking for the next thing. So I constantly feel unfulfilled, and then when I have no major direction or goal I feel like “Whats the point” I don't want to stay on this planet just working to live and feed myself.

Why can't I just be happy having a beautiful relationship, caring for those around me, and living life the best I can? I yearn to be able to do this, but something psychologically is stopping me. I just don't feel fulfilled in any way. I can have the best relationship, or what looks like on the outside an amazing life full of travel, and adventure but nothing makes me fulfilled. This is causing me to leave the beautiful relationships, and making it impossible to have love and close friendships. Please if you know of anything that might help shift this please post it.. any and all ideas will be considered. I have to get out of this cycle or it will eventually kill me.
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Postby Severijn » Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:58 am

You say you keep trying new things. I wonder what these things are? Are these work-related? Or is this volunteering for something?

Maybe you haven't found the right activity or job that connects with your inner purpose/vocation.

Do you like want to change the world for the better and help people? Or make an invention of your own? Or start you own business and be your own boss? What is it that you want exactly?
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Postby shasta » Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:46 pm

For the last four years I have been traveling extensively volunteering, and following what seemed to be s chain of learning experiences for me. Along the way I kept feeling like I was collecting all the puzzle pieces I would need for the future. Each experience taught me an important life lessons, and helped me mature, and grow as an individual, in all areas of my life. It felt like I was getting closer and closer to finding my purpose, or my contribution to society.

I yearn to inspire change in the world, and help facilitate fulfillment and happiness in others. I enjoy working with youth and shaping our future, but even that doesn't feel like enough. One of my passions since birth as been to work with and protect animals. I get so much joy out of helping sick and injured animals. I want to help protect animals and give them the rights they deserve.

Maybe a big part of my problem is that I just don't give myself credit for anything I do. I finish something and go ok great now whats next, rather than reflecting and feeling satisfied with my contribution. I always feel like I could have done something better.

I'm at the point in my life now that I really want to settle down a bit, stop traveling, ground myself in one place, and really start creating the life I want. I have found the pieces, I have a pretty good understanding and connection with myself, now its time to let others in for long term relationships, and I need to find the things that will fulfill me. If I'm not fulfilling myself, and being happy I can't make my partner happy.. I can't even have a stable relationship. I have a beautiful man in my life at the moment and he is willing to commit himself to me, and support me in my life no matter what. I don't want this issue to kill the chance of happiness in this relationship. So my life is really pivoting on this issue, and it is so important for me to find some resolution with this.

What can I do? Is their a psychological process I can go through to re program my mind around this? Do I just take small steps in the direction of what I think will fulfill me, and hope that this time it actually does? I really feel that something needs to be shifted... I used to think that if I had a simple life in the country surrounded by nature I would be happy. I have that now, and I'm no happier than before... Its just one example of continuous searching and driving for an end result of unhappiness....
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Postby Severijn » Fri Mar 16, 2012 5:02 pm

Hey shasta. It sounds to me you suffer from a form of low self-esteem.

Each time you achieve something special, you do not feel satisfaction and your self-worth doesn't grow because of it.

It's possible to change this by doing self-help or going to a good therapist. On search for "self-esteem" and see if you can find any good books.
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