I have a bad attitude about work

Postby Ghizwiz » Thu Apr 17, 2014 8:33 pm

I have a great job as an accountant, but I hate it. I have to force myself in every day. The thing is, I HAVE to do this job at least 2 more years before I can consider a change. There are several concrete reasons why I have to do this. The job itself is within my capability. I don't like the people I work with / for but from an outside perspective they aren't that bad, really, they just expect me to do my job. I end up wasting time (like now) out of a passive aggressive way to get back at them. For what? I don't know. I get so angry at them, and then I realize, it's not them - it is ME. My attitude. I have to work. Everyone has to work. Yet I resent every minute I sit at this desk, and I procrastinate until things pile up and then I'm in a panic to get things done, and fearful they will realize I've been goofing off.

I don't have it that bad, I can do this job for 2 more years, and any resentment I feel towards my employers & coworkers is just because they expect & pressure me to do my work - and why shouldn't they? I just need to fix my attitude, and perform more consistently here. Any ideas?
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Postby laureat » Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:42 am

Sometimes a STRANGER may possible approach us on impressive way : and make us feel comfortable on seconds : and we feel like FAMILY MEMBERS

Sometimes a GROUP OF PEOPLE that we know long time a go: can possible make each other feel as STRANGERS:

Now sometimes we could be thinking too much CRITICAL : about no good reasons; and feel UNWANTED: so than we search for that one step BACK: instead of making ourselves comfortable

When we feel like BROTHERS and SISTERS with other people ; that is when we make best performances;

Now sometimes there could be NEGATIVE LEADERS on the group: someone who BULLY too much about mistakes about no good reasons:

Now we don't want to FIGHT BACK: a BULLY :
We don't want to FLIGHT : because this is our JOB we cannot LEAVE
We don't want to surrender to them : but we IGNORE them;

When we IGNORE: Message is already sent : we don't have to say anything :

They understand themselves the message means " THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS, IF YOU DO WHAT YOU JUST DID "

We don't have to put ourselves on too much pressure with EXPECTATIONS from ourselves; and also with EXPECTATIONS that other people have from: these are just some ideas I think about sometimes ; because I do not always keep looking for new job : instead sometimes I may try to make myself comfortable even with weird people around me :
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Postby Paul Thomas » Sun May 18, 2014 10:16 am

You could start by thinking about what is good about your current job. Perhaps, it's the money, perhaps it's the fact that it is within your capability. Focus more on what is good about the job rather than what is bad.

I would then make the rest of your life as rewarding as possible. Perhaps develop new hobbies, spend more time with people that make you happy.

When you resent something (or have negative thoughts and emotions about it), it tends to persist and over time can affect your mental and physical health. You've probably heard the saying "What you resist persists".

To get over this, get a game plan for where you want to be in 2 years time. Perhaps there are things that you can do now to be in a different job in 2 years time. This might involve further studies, learning a new skill or making some new contacts.

Hope this helps.
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