Journal entry 18.

Postby bowler32 » Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:27 am

Love is cruel, and kind. We think it makes sense, until it becomes deeper and deeper, and then things start to become messy. It changes who we are, and we learn the most from it. I think we must understand who we are first, before falling in love. Sharing a connection with someone can be the most amazing feeling in the world, but it can also be one of the worst feelings. The struggle of getting my heart broken a lot of times has taught me great lessons. Can we truly trust the one person we love? I feel that there is a fine line in putting one's soul into another. I have seen people suffer over another. It is devastating. Is it better to be on our own? There are true relationships out there where it is meant to be a real thing. I feel that mostly love can be absolutely devastating. Sharing moments with that other person and having it become false. I think love teaches us how to become our true selves. I do know that there is great energy sharing our lives with that one person who makes us feel like we can fly and that we can accomplish anything, until that bond is broken and then we feel that our lives have no meaning. Then, we come to a point where we find ourselves again. That battle wound heals slowly over the old one. I didn't know this much emotion existed in our souls. All of this kinetic energy must be rationed. It should not be taken lightly. Love is too painful. It can bring out the best in us and the worst. We must keep the part of who we are alive in order to recover from a devastating loss. It is crucial that we love ourselves. How can we love another person, without loving ourselves? That is the million dollar question, don't you think? People jump into love quickly, and then it ends, quickly. People lie. It is a part of who we are to protect ourselves. We must be honest. If we do that, we will have a better understanding of why we choose to love.
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