Helper’s Corner. Has ‘Controlling Anger Become a Bad Thing’

Postby Leo Volont » Wed Apr 29, 2015 2:56 pm

Helper’s Corner. Has ‘Controlling Anger Become a Bad Thing’.

Recently in one of the replies to a ‘Helpee’ -- one who has been making remarkable progress in ‘controlling’ his anger, well, he was told explicitly to give up such considerations of ‘control’, or perhaps the new ‘Helper’ only wished for our client to de-emphasize what had otherwise been working out really well for himself up until now.

Somehow I think some clouded and imprecise thinking is involved in such advice. Again, and I am sorry to bring this up, ‘again’, but the new Helper seems to be using the Term ‘Anger’ to refer both to the Underlying Causal Emotions and Thinking Patterns that stir up Angry Behaviors, and to the actual Active Anger Manifestations (such as slamming the Office Computer into the trash can, or cussing out the Mail Room Boy for taking his break why your ‘Priority Package’was sitting on top of his Cart), and such Manifestations are really our only concern here. Everyone but the New People have heard this before, but since we are getting new people, and since they don’t seem to be catching up on the History here before posting their own ‘unique’ views, well, I must say it again, that it is logically silly to say that “Anger Causes Anger”. It means nothing. It is a logical tautology, like defining the color red as red, or a loud volume as loud. It is defining the term against itself, and therefore depending upon whatever mistaken assumptions a person has toward that word, either from its use as describing a Cause or its use in terms of signifying an Effect. To make things clearer, in regards to our Understanding of Anger, we should simply all acknowledge that Angry Behavior is caused by the Emotion of Hate. We ‘get’ angry at things we ‘hate’. Yes, if we ‘hated’ less, certainly we would also be provoked to Angry Responses in a decreased proportion. But, for many prone to angry behavior, the underlying ‘hatreds’are all too real, rationally founded and even in a large degree justified by the events. Hatred for truly Bad Things cannot and should not be wished away. No Righteous Man should ever simply surrender to blatant Evil for mere convenience…. Such as “Oh, I get so worked up over people clubbing my cats to death and poisoning my dogs… I should really just let all of that go, for my own good and peace of mind… I am sure that somehow those sadistic monsters must have some valid and reasonable motive for their seemingly insane and perverted cruelty to the defenseless and innocent creatures of God…”

Anyway, maybe I am getting carried a bit away and so let us look at what the New Helper actually said:

vic602 wrote:….
….The object is not to control your anger, but simply eliminate most of it from your life. The telephone interrupting what you are doing is an undeniable annoyance, but certainly no cause for anger. Other people expressing their opinions opposite those you hold is also no cause for anger. This is an ego based anger. Maybe you perceive the person as threatening to your self esteem or a core belief you hold….

Well, yes, there seems to be a separation in thinking there from Cause to Effect. Only the inherent ‘Logic’ seems to have been skewed by the tendency to believe that ‘anger is caused by anger’, and so that ‘anger is the problem’… if that is supposed to mean anything within this logical fog of uncertainty. But the examples our new Helper gives! Yes, really seriously Anger prone people will indeed trigger on just about anything, no matter how trivial. But here on this page we are dealing with many people who have already made the first steps of ‘Picking their Battles’ and waving away simple little silly annoyances. After all, who has recently thrown an office chair through the Bosses window because of a ‘ringing phone’. Who has recently punched somebody in the face merely for expressing some different opinion about the weather? Let’s get serious here. In most cases People Have Valid Reasons For Their Anger.

That is why the First Rule of Anger Management is “There is Never Any Justification for Angry Behavior”. There is ALWAYS a better way of dealing with the Things we Hate then to get red in the face and scream and punch about it.

Anyway, how useful is it to tell an Anger Prone Person to NOT try to control his anger? My God! But the ONE THING most Anger Prone People are GOOD AT is controlling or trying to control situations. The primary cause of most of their frustrations and hatreds stem from the fact that they perceive situations to be slipping out of their ‘control’. Look at most Anger Prone People – they have rules and procedures for nearly everything and have decided opinions on what is right and wrong…. Their minds are always engaged and the Judgements never stop. If these people were God and if they were made All Powerful, then we would be living in a kind of a Perfect World, or at least in accord with some sense of Order, Morality or Justice. What they Hate most is when things slip out of their Control.

So they come here. HERE is where we tell them that they do not have to Give Up their Control, but that they may have to divert their Need to Control Situations to a new sphere, and that is in Controlling their own Behavior – their Thinking and their Planning, and how they decide upon the Actions they take in reaction to the events, hateful as they may be, that inevitably come their way. After all, in all of our lives, as reasonable and moral people, if there are not hundreds of things that we truly Hate, then, well, I just don’t think we are paying enough attention.

So telling Anger Prone People to relinquish their control is to effectively tell them to give up the only strength they really have going for themselves. After all, we all know dozens of real ‘losers’ and ‘slackers’, and what do they all have in common but a small urge and little ability to control anything in their lives. Really active and intelligent people don’t find it much a virtue to be surrendered and complacent to misery and hopelessness, though, as I have said, the losers find it easy enough to fall into that rut. But it hardly counts as ‘good advice’, I should think.

But, I may have misunderstood all of this. Please, anybody, let me know where I may be mistaken. Thank you all for your time.
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Postby Danacovert82 » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:11 pm

You are bringing me up, aren't you? I don't care if you do. You're trying to make a point. From the title, you seem to be saying that i(anybody) who is angry shouldn't try to control it, but wrangle it in. Meaning that we all should know that what we're angry about and its triggers. Like if you get angry with a friend for gossiping about you. You should talk it out when you're both calm, cool, and collected. This is what I think you're saying.

Also, you're saying anger AND hate are the same thing. Now, I'm done rambling.
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Postby Leo Volont » Thu Apr 30, 2015 1:42 pm

Danacovert82 wrote:You are bringing me up, aren't you? I don't care if you do. You're trying to make a point. From the title, you seem to be saying that i(anybody) who is angry shouldn't try to control it, but wrangle it in. Meaning that we all should know that what we're angry about and its triggers. Like if you get angry with a friend for gossiping about you. You should talk it out when you're both calm, cool, and collected. This is what I think you're saying.

Also, you're saying anger AND hate are the same thing. Now, I'm done rambling.

Oh, no.... you are never rambling,,,, well, if you read about 5 great books of English Literature, and took a writing class (I could recommend the books), you would become much more precise, but as far as the basics go... the meaning you are able to put forward, well, you are simply one of my favorites around here. but I must confess.... I have developed quite a knack for understanding people.... I was once myself a Peace Corps Volunteer in a country in which they had given me 3 months training to speak their language fluently... well, of course I couldn't... so I learned how to gravitate toward the people who would make an effort to try to understand what I was trying to say. Of course, when I came back home I realized that I owed the same favor to 2nd Language Speakers in my own country.... for instance, if somebody asked for "Big Building with Doctors", he was asking for a Hospital and it was an Emergency.... or sometimes you just have to 'talk' and figure it out.... for instance, a nice Japanese Lady was at an American Gas Station and she was just standing there looking Puzzled and Confused (the 'Looking Lost' look, and I recognized it.... it was what I used to do to attract help, without explicitly crying out and causing a scene), and so I beg greeted her in Japanese to put her at ease, and then began talking to her and found out that she didn't know whether or not to pay first before pumping or to just use her card somehow. well, then I simply smiled and waved my arms and beckoned her to come inside where I introduced her to the nice gas station people who could walk her through the process. So, anyway, I have developed the habit of looking hard at what people are saying.... and I suspect that at least some other people do not try quite so hard. But, really, your Meaning always seems quite accessible to me. Maybe we are culturally the same, somehow...

BUT! The guy who responded to you was saying, I believe, that we should not try to 'control' our anger, and I think he meant that we should not try to control the Emotions that lead to anger (and it has been my pet peeve here that the Emotion that Leads to Anger is 'hate', not 'anger' -- anger is NOT an emotion.... anger is a behavior.... who CARES about what prissy emotions us real men feel, as long as we can Control our Behaviors. that is what I was trying to say.

But, yes, the gentleman was right in so far as learning to analyze and consider our emotions and our judgmental thinking would in fact HELP. Indeed, no anger management book would be complete without at least a few chapters on being able to distance oneself from rising thoughts and emotions.... to never act upon any impulse until it is reviewed by one's more reflective and trained thinking (sent to the Anger Management Center of the Brain, which you must develop as part of the process of Dealing with anger).

And, yes, calmly and cooly planning how one will respond to the things we 'hate'... such as social back-biters and gossipers and lazy co-workers.... yes, that is all required behavior and patterning for those who are wishing to become expert at managing their anger.

Again, Dan, it is always a pleasure speaking with you. I'm sure your comments and my responses have made the substance of my Post that much clearer. thanks for your time and trouble....
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