Anger Between Social People and Rationalists

Postby Leo Volont » Sun Aug 27, 2017 10:41 am

In one of my recent Posts, “Anger Between Different Types, Intellectuals vs. Sentimentalists” I explored how Sentimentalists mentally operate – how they use Intuition, Emotions and a sense of Aesthetics to evaluate conditions and events, and eventually I resolved the discussion by suggesting that their primary focus is probably in regards to appraising the Social Impact of their Thinking, Decision Making and Actions. Subsequently, in thinking about that Post, it occurred to me that while discussing Sentimentality, Intuition and Aesthetics were useful in their own way, that perhaps the More Useful Construct would be to compare those who are Rationally Centered to those who are Socially Centered.

If we think in Evolutionary Terms, we can find significant Value in both the Rational Orientation and the Social Focus. Homo Sapiens are relatively thin and weak as Animals go, and unless We had developed a Strong Sense for Social Cohesion and Solidarity we certainly would not have survived as a Species. Rationality, if we see it in its most basic form as Objective Goal Oriented Problem Solving, may have been just as crucial, when you contemplate whether Humanity could have survived without so much that We had to Invent along the way. For instance, it is entirely obvious that we would all perish without our Smart Phones.

Now, what I had discussed in that Prior Post is still valid, that is, that the Two Ways of Thinking are not entirely compatible, with the Intellectuals discounting emotional and aesthetic considerations, while the Sentimentalists often simply can’t relate to the seemingly fussy details of Linear Thinking. But now that we can focus more upon the Social Element in the Mental Process, we can see perhaps a more solid and justifiable reason for people to turn away from purely Rational Arguments, for in their Judgment it may seem that Social Cohesion may be much more important than any Rational Idea that would seem to argue against and weaken the Social Fabric.

But, yes, as an Intellectual myself, I certainly see the value of Problem Solving Thinking, BUT in Reference to Anger Management I would advise the Rational Intellectual Problem Solving Class to keep it among Themselves, and that it is futile to argue with people who negate your way of thinking right from the start. Equally, the People who think in terms of Social Aesthetics should back away from Discussions as soon as they encounter an Argument, as their Primary Aesthetic Value of Social Cohesion is little served by getting into knockdown, drag out shouting matches. Basically it all comes down to “Birds of a Feather should Flock Together”.

Of course, some people are versatile enough to be able to Communicate in both Rational Terms and Aesthetic Social Terms. If You are such a person, than simply pay attention to the People you are conversing with, and talk to them in Terms that they can understand and appreciate. With some people be the Philosopher, and with others be the Poet. If you are prone to Anger, than you need to Prioritize whatever Adaptive Behavior you can contrive that will keep yourself Out of Trouble.
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Leo Volont
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