it finally happened

Postby Kadellagroove » Mon Feb 17, 2014 1:27 am


So a brief background… I'm a 30 yr old male.I'm pretty big.. I'm 6'5" and about 210 an pretty athletic and I often times forget how much bigger I am than a lot of people… which comes into play when I lose my temper. My whole life one of the strongest traits that i've had was composure. So much so that it really was something I identified myself with and others identified by it. I could keep my cool in really stressful situations. Always promoted to leadership roles etc in the jobs I had as a result.

But… starting around 2 years ago I started to notice I was getting angry. I was going through some stressful things at the time so I thought maybe it was just a phase. But its been getting worse and worse. I first started to be concerned when I started to get really ugly with my dog. I would just fly off the handle and it was almost as if I'd check out of my mind and see myself from some external position. Then I'd be filled with self hate and resentment afterwards.

I've been trying to get into meditation, reading a lot of eastern philosophy and started seeing a psychologist to try to deal with this seemingly new temper/anger problem and also some depression thats popped up.

So that brings me to tonight. I was sitting watching a movie with my father (I live with my parents right now because I just moved across the country to a new city and haven't found a place yet) and all of a sudden someone just started slamming on our door. My dogs flipped out and while I controlled them my dad answered the door and I heard the voice of our across the street neighbor telling my dad "we better move that F'n car parked across from his driveway right now and never park there again". (It was my little brothers gf's car parked across the street from his drive). Now mind you… this guy parks the biggest truck on the block directly across from our driveway every single day.

So I was instantly pissed because of how he talked to my dad and just the general beligerant attitude. So I got my shoes on and went out side (I should have just stayed inside). But I didn't do anything. I just stood on my porch looking up and down the street to see where she could park it while she got her keys. And he started laying into me from his drive.

This is where I lost control. We had about a 4 minute screaming match back and forth… 4 blocks in all directions could probably hear it. Again… i'm a big guy. And eventually the screaming match got into "either get your A** inside right now or come over here and settle this!" in addition to many many F-bombs and what have you.

Nothing physical actually happened but I was completely and utterly ready to fight this man. When I came inside I had to deal with product of a complete adrenaline rush and then the following crash. I was shaky, nauseas and got very depressed very quickly.

In the moment this inner dialog goes on like "this is a rough world and you have to stand up for yourself, if you let people walk all over you they wont stop, he deserves it, you're in the right he is in the wrong and if he backs down than you are a man and you win. "

But then afterwards the inner dialog goes more like "That was pathetic. Violence and aggression don't solve problems they only make them worse, and the fact that you lost control to your animal instincts doesn't make you a man it makes you a boy and you lost"

I dont know what to do… I have now potentially created a bad problem for my family. I have maybe ruined our reputation in the neighborhood. I am now afraid this guy might continue this somehow in a way that is threatening or dangerous to me, my family, my dogs, or my property. I feel like my family saw me act in a way that they didn't realize I was capable. I'm embarrassed ashamed and disappointed in myself. Yet… in that moment it didn't feel like a choice. I felt propelled by some force inside of me that my mind wasn't in control of.

I'm very confused and conflicted and I'm hoping this story resonates with someone here that can maybe share some insight with me because I'm really upset about tonight.

Thank you for listening
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Postby JuliusFawcett » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:22 am


The challenge you face is nothing new. We have two opposing interests in our lives. Th ego is interested in being right and winning, the heart is interested in loving everything and everyone. The ego can bring us loads of great stuff and is never satisfied. The heart surrenders, forgives and accepts and allows feelings of peace, love and harmony.

Personally, I am 41 years, and I made the conscious decision to drop my ego and choose love. Love dissolves fear, anger, jealousy, blame, guilt, sorrow, resentment, irritation and allows happiness to flow more easily. The echoes of my old egoic thought patterns diminish and fade everyday, and I have become far less competitive, people call me gay (I am straight), people take advantage of my more gentle nature and I let them. Life is very different for me from how it used to be.

Maybe the time is not completely right for you to choose love over the ego and maybe it is, I am confident that it happens at the perfect time for all of us.
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Postby jmd » Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:13 am

The ability to control your anger varies through life. You had the ability and the mindset to do so in the past. Anger like all other emotions arise from the thoughts you are having. If you want to control your anger start working on your thoughts. I recommend the book Feeling Good-The New Mood Therapy by David Burns. There are plenty of exercises that will help you to control your anger.

As Stephen Covey quotes in his Best Selling book - The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People - "“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our response. In those choices lie our growth and our happiness.”

Read both the books.
I also suggest some assertive training.

All the Best,

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Postby weston » Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:53 pm

JuliusFawcett wrote:Hi
The ego can bring us loads of great stuff and is never satisfied. The heart surrenders, forgives and accepts and allows feelings of peace, love and harmony.

I love when you say that. On the other hand, when people take advantage of you, hurt you, rob you, cheat you, you just let them ? I understand something trivial is ok, what if it is something serious. And what if it is not you but your family. I might be able to suffer a loss for myself but anyone attacks my family, I won't allow it.
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Postby JuliusFawcett » Mon Feb 17, 2014 10:32 pm

I accept that anything that someone does to me is their karma and that how I react is my karma. Love is the healing force. Any suffering is a message to us to love ourselves more, love other people more or love this moment more.
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Postby weston » Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:20 am

JuliusFawcett wrote:I accept that anything that someone does to me is their karma and that how I react is my karma. Love is the healing force. Any suffering is a message to us to love ourselves more, love other people more or love this moment more.

Nothing but respect ! This is what Bhudda did when someone tried to kill him. It is also what Ghandi did. Laozi also said if I didn't have a body, then I wouldn't have anything to fear or worry. Pain comes from wanting and strength comes from wanting nothing. I am familiar with those, but they are nearly impossible to do.

Isn't it ironic that wanting keep us alive but wanting too much kills us. Sometimes I wonder why we humans are put through all this. By nature, we are born to fight for resources and possessions in order to survive the physical world. However, when we grow older, we have to let go in order to survive the spiritual world. Is this life a test or exam or what ? I may have the answer for it but I still can't pass it.
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Postby JuliusFawcett » Tue Feb 18, 2014 7:49 am

The answer to a fully satisfied, happy life is to want nothing, instead be open to good things happening, whenever you notice the word want, switch it to the word like or love.

"I want a new car" into "I would like a new car"
"I want a holiday" into "I would love a holiday"

Wanting implies that something is missing in our lives, this is an illusion created by the words that we use. This supports the never satisfied ego.

The idea that resources are scarce is also an illusion of words. Our imagination is unlimited, if we can imagine something and believe in it's creation, we can have it. Look around you, everything that you see was once an imagination. The field of possibilities is a powerful place, it is the birthplace of all creation.

Our love is also unlimited, I can stroke my dog all day, will I have less love at the end of the day? No, both myself and the dog will have more love. These two beautiful gifts, love and creation become more abundant when we use them.

The purpose of life is to live in consistent happiness, when we move off that path we suffer to remind us to change direction. It's all good. :)
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