How can I start my own life? Parents are cutting me off.

Postby latazer » Tue May 02, 2017 12:07 am

Is this a normal conversation? I seriously don't know, because this is how I was raised.
I'll go do that. I failed English and Geography this semester which means I'll probably get kicked out. Right now I'm more concerned with my mental health, and I think I need to see somebody other than Ms. name. I feel like Ms. name and I's relationship is getting unprofessional. I'm super lonely, confused and life doesn't feel enjoyable. Email me back and I'll call you.

Here is why I am pissed - and you need to read this. STOP AVOIDING ME and read this!

First of all, when I tell you things you don't like, you just either stop calling me, or hang up on me. COMPLETE bs. You won't let anyone help you!

You tell me THE WEEK OF FINALS that you are in trouble - mentally and with these classes?? You have told me things are great and that I need to trust you! WHAT in the world happened in English!?? You need to tell me.

If you needed help, you had access to ANYTHING YOU NEEDED. Counselors on campus - etc. You could have been seeing someone THERE all semester!!!!!!

It's clear to me that you simply don't want this for yourself. Maybe you and name can work at Jimmie Johns and get an apartment together. I seriously can take a lot of things but I CAN'T TAKE A LIAR and I can't take someone who just gives up.

If there's a chance in ANY CLASS I suggest you work your tail off the next few days. If you "fail out", you can go to summer school AT THE UNIVERSITY to get your grades up and retake classes. But the hell if I'm going to help you with any of that if you simply don't want it for yourself.

How embarrassing this is going to be explaining to everyone.

I'm not helping you with one thing financially this summer. It's time to grow up name. You are almost 20.

I don't tell you things, because you this is how you respond every time.

And that's a bs thing to say to me. I have been there for you every step of the way, I have given you anything and everything you've every needed. You waited until the week before you come home to tell me what's really going on, so yeah I'm super super pissed.

Have you bothered to talk to an academic counselor? There is an option to go to summer school, but again you have to want it. And you have to do what you can this week to make this situation less dire.

You are so selfish, I can't even believe it.

I paid a LOT of money for you to get an education and have an experience like this. Now you have the nerve to tell me it's lame and you don't care enough to at least try to finish strong? Complete the credits that I HAVE to PAY for!?
You have no respect for me or anything.
I can't even believe that conversation. You are going to be very very sorry.

Then let me pay for it mom since you care so much about money. It's all under my name. I'm fine suffering from debt, loneliness and regret for a while, but I have drive to find happiness. You have to go through hell to get to heaven sometimes. We can come up with something Friday, but I'm ready to experience life on my own, and not have to worry about what you, name or my family thinks of me.

On another note It's selfish to tell your son that he's a liar, loser, selfish and has no respect for anything in a short period of time.

Ok. What a shocking betrayal.
We will need to come up with a plan for sure because you are not living here.

You need to figure out what you can donate or get rid of vs what needs to come home. I don't want to have to ship a bunch of crap back.
See you Friday. Call me if any emergency otherwise I'll see you Friday. Best if you just catch an Uber to my house.

I am terrible with finances and spending money. I called her and told her that I want to come home, get a job and learn how to manage my money. Also making friends along the way at work. But now I'm ready to completely branch away from this negativity in my life and really discover who I am, because at the moment I am confused. I grew up with ADHD and was always a bit socially awkward so college was VERY hard for me socially.
This is extreme, but my head is getting so stressed to the point where I'm considering suicide.
Please guide me in the right path. And If something doesn't make sense let me know and I can fill in the blanks.
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Postby Richard@DecisionSkills » Tue May 02, 2017 12:51 am

I'm not a big fan of a parent using email, texting etc. to communicate about a complex problem with their child, but you are not a child. What the heck happened to conversations via voice where you can talk to each other? But, as noted you don't answer or that doesn't work out very well. That limits the ability to communicate.

Regardless, while I agree with you that the words your mother used are unkind, I do not disagree with the ultimate outcome. You are an adult, she has no obligation to provide for you while you learn to manage your money and find yourself. If school hasn't worked out, you can get a minimum wage job or two, find a roommate and take that route. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that route.

I agree you should distance yourself. You should be happy and proud to go live on your own and discover your way in life. You don't need your mother as once again, you are an adult as is she. She is frustrated and understandably so. This doesn't mean her approach is perfect, but does it really matter? Her less than perfect approach is no reason you don't manage your money or you don't go to class, or you don't XYZ. You can reason that she caused you to XYZ, you can focus your thoughts there, or you can choose to look forward and accept that today you can save money, you can work, you can get a job, you can do whatever you wish as you are in charge of you, no one else.
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