Confusion...and little happiness

Postby Zaby » Fri Jul 16, 2004 11:39 pm


I hav posted a few things before, but I don't no what I feel.I feel like in denil with myself about who I am. I don't know which group at school I belong too. I feel lyk I help other people but i don't know how to turn to myself. Except one friend. Buts you see shes two years younger than me, and I feel bad with burdening her with my problems.
Everyone in my house seems to be so pre occupied with there own lives I feel like don't belong there. Nobody really notices I how I feel because f the high achieving student that I am. At school Im seen as this confident person...but I dont always feel lyk that. Ive started to notice the way people luk at me, an I feel like epople around school hate me, or dislike me. Its neva bohered me wot ppl think, but it does really ijust dont show it. People don't understand the amount of things I do for the school, yet I sometimes feel like crap.

I am just about managing to stop myself from self harming again. I hav read all the info on depression, but I just keep imaging my blade cutting into my skin, I kind of miss the feeling. I grew obbsessed, but then managed to stop myself.

Everything in my life seems to have turned around, not hings the way I would like them to be. My appitite haz gone, Im always sleepy, i get more moody a nd find it harder to to get involved and pretend to be happy. Theres alot of things but my parents still dont know about me and they insist they do.

Ive been having big issues with my "friends" I dont know how to split up my tym equally beteween all my m8s bacoz i hav so many...but then How many soooo many hav bitched about me. Ive suffered some real blows to my comfidents that no one can see. I don't know what to do with myself anymore...I don't want to be sad forever Help me please.
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Postby Natasha » Sat Jul 17, 2004 10:41 am

Hi, Zaby

I think you should try and talk to someone you trust and explain how you are feeling, maybe a teacher or family member. I also think you should see a doctor and see if they can help. Please dont do the self harm, i have been there and have the scars to show. in the long run it doesnt help.

Take care i dont know if this helps, but there seems to be a lot of people here that care. keep in touch

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Postby Zaby » Sat Jul 17, 2004 4:16 pm

THank for your advice, I really apprecite it. I hav spoken to a very very close friend of mine. An I do want do get some help ut im scared of telling my parents. I don't think they'd believe me.
And about going to the doctors, everytime i decide to go, I back out or find that im busy.
About the self harming I yused to do it a few month ago, but i managed to stop myself, I still hav my scars....few of them are fading. Thanks for your help...i'l try c the doctors if i have enough guts. Keep in touch.
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Postby alternative » Sun Jul 18, 2004 5:00 am

Well, ther's some things I can say.

First things about friends at school. It's weird how some people don't really find real friends/people they can trust/people they love, until later. In school a lot of "friends" can really be very bad in terms of how much of friends they are.

In the school environment things are so reputation-based. And, gosh this is hard to explain, "friends" and the way people interpret "friends" is very very reputation-based. See. At school, you might consider people that think you're cool your friends. You might consider people that want to hang out with you your friends. But, really, that's not the way it should be. (I know I'm sounding really fruity now). They're all just trying to be the most popular. And if their popularity ever meets your popularity, they will easily choose their popularity and gosh, who cares about you.

Real friend-people are people that don't even think about all the reputation things. They just hang out with each other because they love each other. They don't care what they say, They are very open. That's the way it should be.

I figured it out when I met a great group of people at the theatre organization in my school. All the people there are the best for me. Then I saw my old "friends" again. And they're all jerks - as I realized. I found it to be very hard to hang out with them now, becasue no one's open with each other. They all act feaky, making fun of each other, biching about other people, telling lies and spreading rumors. I hate them all. I try to avoid them now. I can't wait now for the summer to be over, so I can go back and see my favorite people again on the stage.

Had to tell that first. Just remember that there are lots of evil people in the world :/ :/ :/

Darn.... forgot the other thing I wuz going to say. well, maybe I'll remember next time. : (

Anyway, just be sure to get into something. Yeah. Sports really don't do it tho. got to tell you that. You don't really get the chance to talk to other people in sports. You're looking for clubs. Things you might enjoy doing..... Yeah, good luck.
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Postby Zaby » Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:55 am

Thenks for your advice, I already loads of extra stuff at school. An I just got made Assistent Head Girl, so now everybody is seeing me as this very very lucky person. I also understand wot you mean about people acting as though there your friends and stuff. I've been through that, I've had some of my so called "friends" bitch about me. They think I don't notice but I do. But the friend I hav been confiding in...we just gelled together.

I don't think I hav ever found a real group of more like a floter. Im happi dat you found your group of mates tho. I found out that people usally do go with people who have more power, hence my old "friends" now hang out with the head girl...and dislike many of my new punk, goth and hippie mates. And they dislike the fact that Im friends with people two years younger than me.

An about the sports...I don't really play that much...But THere ok =)

Thanks 4 your your humor
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