Conspiracy Theorists (bad impression?)


Postby davidbanner99@ » Fri Mar 26, 2021 9:14 pm

There's always a possibility a group of conspirators got together to hatch a plot. For example, to reduce the population. Personally I doubt it. Putin, has been trying to increase population in his country so why go along with said conspiracy?
I'm convinced what we're seeing today is the typical mass hysteria and delusion described by Freud and Jung. The most probable cause would seem to be huge changes brought about by the global internet. Human beings now experience less challenge, less adrenaline, far less social interaction coupled with physical health issues. This latter caused by a sedate lifestyle governed by Social Media. Something had to give. And it did. We never evolved to be so sedate and cocooned.
Given the background and context, we see the onset of mass hysteria. I would say some 80 per cent of the local polulation suffer undeniable hyperchondria and anxiety. Most of my family and most friends. My best friend's daughter - a qualified lawyer- fears the virus will creep through the walls of her house. Most others are to be witnessed driving a car alone and muzzled. Very many of these people have weakish immune systems. What they exhibit isn't fight or flight fear but phobia and anxiety.
The other worrying side of it is a large percentage of the conspiracy theorists I met also show signs of hysteria. Only the persecution outline has altered. Instead of the actual virus, it's simply the malignancy of the plot behind it all that creates anxiety. Yet, both distinct groups themselves form the plot, which is itself the product of hysteria. The actual core behind all of it is deep insecurity over the future, jobs, purpose.
The result? Possibly a variant of the common cold may turn out to become the real killer. As millions of people worldwide seriously embrace a new religion that teaches we can avoid illness by social withdrawel, the net result should be a defenceless immune system. And no defence against even mild viruses.
Is there a solution? I'm pretty certain that a return to pre global internet society would...
Force people to man offices
Learn more skilled occupations.
Assume real responsibility and face up to risk
Do sports
Go out and socialise as people have done for millenia
And so on......
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Postby tokeless » Sat Mar 27, 2021 7:56 am

davidbanner99@ wrote:There's always a possibility a group of conspirators got together to hatch a plot. For example, to reduce the population. Personally I doubt it. Putin, has been trying to increase population in his country so why go along with said conspiracy?
I'm convinced what we're seeing today is the typical mass hysteria and delusion described by Freud and Jung. The most probable cause would seem to be huge changes brought about by the global internet. Human beings now experience less challenge, less adrenaline, far less social interaction coupled with physical health issues. This latter caused by a sedate lifestyle governed by Social Media. Something had to give. And it did. We never evolved to be so sedate and cocooned.
Given the background and context, we see the onset of mass hysteria. I would say some 80 per cent of the local polulation suffer undeniable hyperchondria and anxiety. Most of my family and most friends. My best friend's daughter - a qualified lawyer- fears the virus will creep through the walls of her house. Most others are to be witnessed driving a car alone and muzzled. Very many of these people have weakish immune systems. What they exhibit isn't fight or flight fear but phobia and anxiety.
The other worrying side of it is a large percentage of the conspiracy theorists I met also show signs of hysteria. Only the persecution outline has altered. Instead of the actual virus, it's simply the malignancy of the plot behind it all that creates anxiety. Yet, both distinct groups themselves form the plot, which is itself the product of hysteria. The actual core behind all of it is deep insecurity over the future, jobs, purpose.
The result? Possibly a variant of the common cold may turn out to become the real killer. As millions of people worldwide seriously embrace a new religion that teaches we can avoid illness by social withdrawel, the net result should be a defenceless immune system. And no defence against even mild viruses.
Is there a solution? I'm pretty certain that a return to pre global internet society would...
Force people to man offices
Learn more skilled occupations.
Assume real responsibility and face up to risk
Do sports
Go out and socialise as people have done for millenia
And so on......

I think a major factor in mass hysteria is the ease of access to 'information'.. People don't ask questions of each other when they can "Google it". This pops up pages and pages of information and little of it may be relevant to the asker but it makes them keep checking... the rabbit hole. I think particularly when it comes to health conditions... you should ask your doctor, not Google. All conditions could be cancer etc etc... add mistrust of governments and it's a perfect storm. I think we are being socially engineered via our devices because we live on them.. they are our source of information, social contacts, buying stuff and everything in our lives is moving online... data capture of everything we do. Add that to corrupted or malicious government and power, you can see where it could go.
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Postby davidbanner99@ » Sat Mar 27, 2021 8:56 pm

The way we process information has deep bearing. Due to the internet most information is mostly referenced and then swapped around. Not analysed. To analyse you need perfect quiet and deep thinking. This stimulates the capacity to make associations and draw conclusions.
Going back to the 1980s, I recall people being happier, smarter, more creative and more challenged. That is going out and skydiving, doing active courses and highly skilled trades. In todays society I think women are better adapted while men struggle to come to terms with the perspective of packing in an Amazon warehouse or answering the phone. Naturally, the masculine component of society has been overshadowed by feminism. This current society is one of vulnerability, caution, lack of adrenaline, lack of testosterone and submissiveness. Yet, feminism is like negative to positive energy. Masculinity is what wins wars and conquers barriers. Today's society is in such crisis because men have lost their role and allowed the internet to assume a role that, frankly, it can never replace.
The big question is whether it's time to re-examine whether the benefits of internet are worth the loss of industry, social life, skills and education. I remain pretty sure that ditching the net would lead to a far healthier society. However, it would be better to regulate the internet somehow like they did with tobacco.
Meantime, deep insecurity and uncertaintly provide a perfect background for both physical and psychological epidemics. We will soon see quite clearly that no matter how many masks and sprays, vaccines and distancing people adhere to, their symptoms will only get worse. You cannot reason with hysteria since its modus of thinking is based on primative instincts and random gleanings of information. The underlying cause lies much deeper and requires major social change to eliminate.
Maybe by the time society starts to fragment, the penny will drop and a lot of politicians will be judged by their inexcusable failure to not give way to panic and absurd over-reaction.
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