How to open up about mental health related subjects

Postby Aieden » Mon Dec 09, 2019 7:30 pm

Hi !
I haven't been feeling super good recently. I'm experiencing some anxiety, mostly linked with university and people ; I relapsed at Self harm after being clean for 3 years. I also have some dark thoughts.

But paradoxically I'm not feeling sad or depressed. I've been way lower in my life and I'm seriously, despite of those symptoms, not feeling that bad.

Being able to get a therapist appointment takes more than 3 months where I live, but i'm still willing to open up with someone about my mental health. Think it's important to. I've never talked about the self harm thing with anyone and I have difficulties talking about how I feel ; I'm really afraid to be seen as an attention seeker or as someone weak.

I got a friend -not a really close one though- with whom I could feel relatively confortable to talk to about those subjects, since she quite obviously has a past with sh and depression, and therefore could understand me. But wouldn't it be rude and even triggering for her to talk about that? Plus we're not even that close. And how can I open up about it? That's hard.

I'm sorry, lot of talking for nothing. Have a nice day!
(English isn't my first language, sorry for the mistakes)
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