Possible to pull 6 girls a night?


Postby Eudj » Sun Jun 26, 2011 5:25 pm

Magnus Ward wrote:Never had a problem with women classifying me as a "thing" or an "object." Either they don't like me as an object, in which case it doesn't matter, or they're pursuing me as object, and in that case it's clear and there's the potential for mutual benefit.

Magnus you're absolutely right, I thought about this and I have the same idea of that
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Postby Candid » Fri Jul 01, 2011 7:19 am

Magnus Ward wrote: I'm not always interested in a deeper connections.
Let me know if I'm missing something here.
Deeper connections. If you don't want them, so what? We all pick and choose at the smorgasbord of life.
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Postby Akiva » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:16 am

error265 wrote:How to pull 6 girls a night!

So-called "PUA's" need to GET OVER THEMSELVES.

Really, no one is God's Gift to Women.

Get over yourself and turn the insecure little boy inside who is trying to validate himself by treating women as objects into a real MAN.

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Postby Akiva » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:38 am

voidwalker wrote:PUA type things are disagreeable because they do objectify human beings, but it is a viable alternative for those who are too weak willed to join the marriage/dating strike.

As per women being on a pedestal, keep dreaming. Those days are pretty much over. Women as a class deserve no respect at all; women as individual human beings though deserve basic consideration, but respect is something that is earned from one individual person to another.

It is a shame for all the egalitarian notions spouted since the 70's turn out to be nothing more than gender supremacy in a push up bra. Attitudes like yours that "Women are Royalty" while "Men are disposable" is the very reason why sick PUA type dogma exists in the first place.

In the 20th century the Radical notion was "women are human beings too", now it seems in the 21st century the truly radical notion is "So are men".

First of all, no one should WANT to be placed on a pedestal. placing someone on a pedestal means you idealize them and that is unfair to them, in reality, because we are all just human beings...flawed human beings.

And gender supremacy in a push up bra? While it is true that there are women out there who spew man-hating venom like their lives depend on it, there are also many, many women who do not. There are many women who just want to be equals. And there are far more women out there working full time jobs, and then coming home to begin two other full time jobs - being a mother and being a housekeeper (including cooking, laundry, etc) while the man/father either has his work day over when he punches out from the office, or does not work at all...than vice-versa. Also, before you talk so glibly about "gender supremacy in a push-up bra" please remember that (DISCLAIMER: A GENERAL STATEMENT FOLLOWS, AS THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS TO EVERY RULE...) men have been holding power over women for, what....thousands of years? Men have been permitted by society to treat women poorly, down to beating them or even killing them, cheating on them, etc, with little to no consequences for their actions or transgressions. In other words, there are power structures that have been THOUSANDS OF YEARS in the making, and are not undone overnight. Of COURSE in the beginning stages of reform, there are going to be some people taking things to extremes. It is only natural, and quite frankly, in some situations, perfectly called for.

I have witnessed blatant sexism against women far more than I have witnessed it against men. This is not to say that women never treat men like, well, CRAP just for the fact that they are men, with no justification.

I mean, look around the world. Do you see many countries where men are stoned to death? No, but you do see the reverse. I could go on and on and on with clear examples, but you could just do some research rather than me posting a novel.

Your statement of "Attitudes like yours that "Women are Royalty" while "Men are disposable" is the very reason why sick PUA type dogma exists in the first place." is nonsensical. There have always been PUA types and there always will be. Do you really think this is something new, something that just appeared when women's rights movements began to really go somewhere? You are blaming women for the behaviors of men?

Forgive me if I am missing something here. In all fairness, I do appreciate you saying "...women as individual human beings though deserve basic consideration, but respect is something that is earned from one individual person to another." Not so sure I agree that women as a class in general deserve no respect at all, however.

Women have definitely struggled and suffered in general, as a whole, far more than men in just about every way, for thousands of years.

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Postby Akiva » Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:44 am

...that women not even had the "right" to vote in America for a century yet!

One final note: I work at a place that takes opinions of people over the phone. On MANY occasions, I have experienced a woman telling me (as have other interviewers I work with) that she can't tell me what she thinks because her husband says so/her husband won't let her, etc., things along that line.

Not ONCE have I experienced the opposite happening, or have heard of the opposite happening from any other interviewers I work with.

Sure, I have experienced the defensive wife wanting to know who I am lol, or telling me that they do not believe their husbands would be interested in that sort of thing (but we hear this from men too about their wives)... but not ONCE has a man told me or anyone else I work with that I am aware of that he is not allowed to participate because of his wife...

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