SSRI Withdrawal and Insomnia

Postby tasha » Tue Jul 13, 2004 6:18 pm

As an athlete, I know the importance of sleep, particularly REM sleep in helping your body recuperate and repair itself. Unfortunately, I have had severe insomnia every since I went down to 25 mg of Serzone and eventually off of it June 25th. In fact, I think I can count on my hand how many hours of sleep I have had since mid June and some nights, like last night, I literally didn't sleep a wink. For those who have had similar problems, how long did this last and approximately when did it improve? I have never had insomnia before (most SSRIs decrease REM sleep, wellbutrin and serzone supposedly increase it) and know it is strictly a withdrawal response - i have also tried everything under to sun to aleviate like melatonin, valerian, hypnosis tapes, epsom salt bath, chamomile tea and even an ativan every once in a while. The only time I sleep is when I take an ativan, which I try not to take more than once or twice a week. The day after that I feel much better and can seem to handle the anxiety and other disturbances of withdrawal, so I know that if I can fix the sleep part .. i'm well on my way.

Looking forward to the responses...

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Postby Juno » Tue Jul 13, 2004 7:47 pm

Hi Tash

I think I read - somewhere - recently, in the mountain of reading, that taking Ativan or similar can work OK but then makes it worse for the nights after. Maybe you could try a week without any Ativan? Like breaking the cycle? Prepare yourself for potentially no sleep, like pick a week when you can afford to be spaced-out, but also maybe try not to actually set yourself up for no sleep by thinking that you're not going to get any.

Maybe you can find more info - I can't remember where I read it.

Good Luck!
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Postby tasha » Thu Jul 15, 2004 3:19 am

Yes, it's true that after a time it becomes addictive and can cause a rebound effect. That is why I limit myself to two a week, however I don't think I am going to take them for a while and see what happens. I have also stopped taking the melatonin at night because I am taking 5HTP during the day and they are similar. The less pills, potions and lotions the better, I feel. I think after a time everything can have a rebound effect and since I am going through a detox I don't know how things react to what is in my bloodstream, even though the metabolites of the drugs are no longer active, scientifically speaking.

However, I have to say, my moods are improving - even though my physical symptoms are still troubling. At least they are changing shape (this week a warm sensation in my chest, sensation that i am being choked, chest pains, and warm tingles through my arms) however change is good because then I know that my brain is starting to react and get moving again :)
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Postby NikkyM » Fri Jul 16, 2004 10:51 pm

Hi Tasha,

I too have had a insomnia reaction from Serzone withdrawal. I wish I could say it was at 25mg, would probably be better for me (anxiety wise) but I have got it from dropping from 250mg down to 225mg. First night I didn't sleep a wink, next the same, this went on for four days. I was exhausted and now have a persistent low level anxiety which I did not have before. I called my Dr. and she said to go back up to 250mg. I didn't stabilize. I now have gone up to 275mg to see if I could sleep on my own, that did not work either. In the meantime, I was given Ambien to sleep. I tried not to take it often either, but as I ride almost every day. I couldn't do without the sleep. I have a young horse that is in training for competition and it can be pretty dangerous when your spaced out or not sleeping. I chose to use the Ambien, although I know this is probably going to be another addiction I will develop because I can't go without sleep. My doctor said this has been a problem with Serzone during withdrawal. I just wished it had come later instead of sooner. From other people going through this process they have said it will pass, but may take some time. It seems to be an individual experience for everyone, some things are similar while other symptoms are different. In your case since you were down to 25mg it will pass, some people have said they upped it some and others continued the 25mg for a little longer time, spacing it every other day for 2-4 weeks depending on how they felt. But I am sure you just want the stuff out of your system at this point, which I don't blame you. If you have any advice for me, I would appreciate any information you might have. It is comforting to know that I am not alone, although I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy!! Good luck!
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Postby tasha » Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:36 am

Hey, I here ya. It's terrible at best. If you read Juno's post you will find that most of her withdrawal symptoms came while she tapered from 350 to 150 mg if I remember correctly, so everyone is different. It's not always worst at the end or the beginning. Try not to overdue the sleeping pills because they have rebound effects which can make you more anxious and your insomnia worse if you take them for too long. I haven't slept in a month or so, but i feel now that the insomnia is getting a little better. So, time is the great healer. TAke faith in that.
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Postby NikkyM » Tue Jul 20, 2004 2:15 pm

[quote="tasha"]Hey, I here ya. It's terrible at best. If you read Juno's post you will find that most of her withdrawal symptoms came while she tapered from 350 to 150 mg if I remember correctly, so everyone is different. It's not always worst at the end or the beginning. Try not to overdue the sleeping pills because they have rebound effects which can make you more anxious and your insomnia worse if you take them for too long. I haven't slept in a month or so, but i feel now that the insomnia is getting a little be
tter. So, time is the great healer. TAke faith in that.

Hi Tasha,

Thanks for writing back. I just finished reading your posts and Juno's on Serzone. It sounds like you both have been to hell and are on the road to leaving it, although the road has been rough! :cry: I decided to continue to slowly taper every 3-4 weeks depending on how I feel. I live in the US so I haven't heard anything from the FDA on banning Serzone yet....but you never know. I started tapering in Jan. 04, mostly due to the fact that I was afraid of a ban...which is probably just a matter of time before they do and I didn't want to get caught with my "pants down" so to speak and have to go off faster than I wanted or cold turkey, which I would never do. Fortunately I don't work now, but still have a family to take care of. Most of the side affects I have had have been tolerable until the insomnia which I was worried about before I started because that is one of the reasons I was put on the drug in the first place. My sleep did improve but I have to be honest after reading Juno's post I have to admit my sleep has never been normal since either. Looking back now I wonder why I allowed myself to stay on this drug so long. I was made to feel it was the only thing that would help by my doctor's and they also let me fall through the cracks and never brought up the discussion of getting off the medication. So I feel angry at times because of this. But I realize the blaming won't help my situation, so I have gotten past that and am focusing on getting off at all costs. How are you getting along now? Any better? Also what are your thoughts on ever if at all taking another AD? I say to myself each time I am feeling a withdrawal symptom that I will never go back on anything!! Although I have suffered from anxiety since I was a teenager and have gone through all kinds of behavioral therapy etc etc. and still had trouble managing it regardless and it always affected my sleep. I would stay up at night with all these racing thoughts, my brain would never slow down or calm down. I have worked hard at getting rid of this vicious cycle of thoughts, but never am completely free of them. It is the only thing that worries me for the future and believe me I don't try to dwell on it, but you can't help but wonder what the future will bring. I was pretty panic attack free while I was on Serzone or so I thought, maybe it had nothing to do with it over the 7 years, who really knows. I have been experiencing the same issues with my shrink also. They really don't know what's going on or have information to help. It's all just trial and error, due to the fact that everyone reacts differently to this process and how the drugs worked for them. Some things are similar and others are completely different, but you and Juno are the first I have found that are very similar to my experience so far. It's really comforting to know that it may be hell but it will pass eventually. Hang in there!! my thoughts are with you both!

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Postby kfedouloff » Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:31 pm

Hi Nikky

What did you learn from all the behaviour therapy? Do you behave any different now from how you used to behave?

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Postby NikkyM » Wed Jul 21, 2004 2:13 am

What did you learn from all the behaviour therapy? Do you behave any different now from how you used to behave?

Hi Kathleen,

What did I learn from behavioural therapy? Well.....many things. I first learned about what anxiety was and how it affected me. I also learned that I had a genetic predisposition to it because my Grandmother and mother suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. I tried therapy first before taking any medication. I read a lot also to understand what was happening to my mind and body. I worked through sessions using different methods when I experienced panic, more or less densensitizing myself or detaching myself from the panic when I experienced an attack. I only seemed to have anxiety at it's worse when something traumatic happened to me. I am not sure that I behaved differently than I did before I took medication, in only that I have had less bouts of anxiety since I have been medicated. But if I did feel anxious I would use breathing techniques I was taught and distract myself from what was happening to me. I don't think I have ever mastered my anxiety or panic but I certainly can work myself through it and calm myself down when needed by using these techniques. I don't feel I am panic free yet, but I still exlicit the techniques I was taught any time I feel anxious. I have experienced more anxiety since withdrawing and try my best to overcome it but I don't think it's all just my mind now, I think it is the drug induced withdrawal, so I think it is a bit more difficult to try to deal with at this point. Behaving differently before and now is a good question. I have been medicated so long I am not sure anymore. it's hard to tell sometimes whether my life has stabilized for a while or whether the lack of anxiety is drug induced? I know personally I have matured and become much more educated about depression and anxiety than I used to be. Have explored more natural ways to combat my problems and would be likely to use a natural method versus psychiatric medications in the future if needed. I try to take better care of myself than I used to. I don't drink, use caffeine or any other drugs. Try to excercise and eat well and I also don't think it's the end of the world when I do have anxiety or the fear of dying or hopelessness I used to feel. In fact I embrace it and face it head on instead of fighting it and it has changed the intensity and duration of my attacks. I recognize what is happening where I wasn't sure before and feel I can cope with them better. I hope I answered your question. If not, please feel free to ask again.

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