Understanding depression is the first step to beating it

Postby Roger Elliott » Fri Sep 05, 2003 8:12 am

As you may know if you have looked around the Uncommon Knowledge sites, we publish a site www.clinical-depression.co.uk

The feedback we get from users of this site is incredible. I am getting used to seeing emails in my inbox saying things like "You have saved my life"

That's quite something first thing in the morning, let me tell you :D

More important than me giving ourselves a pat on the back however, is just why depressed people find it so useful, and after looking through a lot of feedback, this is what comes through.

People who are depressed first and foremost want to know what is happening to them. They want to know why they have no energy in the mornings, why they lose their temper with loved ones so easily, why they feel so emotional, or alternatively, why they can't feel any emotion at all.

When myself and my colleagues treat depressed people, the first thing we do is explain (in the terms on clinical-depression.co.uk) just what is happening. This in itself can (at least partially) lift the depression in many people.

Above all, the delighted users of the site feel relieved and hopeful because they have finally read a clear explanation of what is happening.
Roger Elliott
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Postby Mark Tyrrell » Tue Oct 07, 2003 1:35 pm

Absolutely Rog. We see time and time again that once people are given information everything becomes less scary for them. For example there are simple reasons why depressed individuals experience over dreaming, early morning waking syndrome, morning exhaustion, unexplained physical aches and pains and over sensitivity to sudden noise etc. Often people have not had clear explanations because of lack of information in the caring professions themselves :?

Mark Tyrrell
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