Does anyone know the name of this condition?

Postby baggyjeanzz » Thu Aug 26, 2021 4:30 pm

Hi, I am a 24 year old male. I am am concerned I may have developed some sort of mental disorder.
I noticed that when I am thinking all of my thoughts blend with something I have heard someone say similarly. For instance, on my way to Canterbury to see a concert recently I started thinking 'people must come from far away to see this guy' Then the sentence 'People come from all over to see me' which had been said to me by a photographer like 5 years prior. Another example was recently I started thinking 'I'm glad these flies are going out the window' Which blended with the 'I'm glad what I did to you' line from on the waterfront. Another example is I was thinking about the importance of being direct which blended with 'I always believe you should be direct' Which is something my lodgers dad had said years earlier. I noticed that pretty much everything I say when talking to other people is just stuff I've heard from other conversations, and I don't just mean referencing stuff for instance you've heard in a podcast, I mean literally just taking bits from other conversations and memories I've heard and saying them as if they're my words. I know it sounds stupid and you'd think just stop doing that, but those are the only thoughts that come in my head. Other than that I'm left with nothing to say in conversation, and I can barely concentrate when people are talking to me because everything people say just reminds me constantly of other things people have said in similar conversations but I can't form any of my own thoughts on the matter.
Has anyone ever heard of anything like this? Please let me know as it's driving me mad thanks.

On another note I've also noticed I have a strong urge to copy other people movements and gestures after I see them.
I believe it's a symptom of echopraxia but at the same time I can control whether I do it or not, so I don't know really.
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Postby davidbanner99@ » Fri Aug 27, 2021 3:00 pm

I have the terms for these symptoms in Gilyarovsky's essays. I wpuld have to find the page.
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Postby davidbanner99@ » Fri Aug 27, 2021 7:50 pm

This kind of information I only have in Russian or German. In the first case it refers to vocal repetition but often it may be sentences that stay in the mind.

(1)Эхолалия = неконтролирумое повторение слов услышанных в чужой речи.

Echolalia = uncontrollable repetition of words heard in someone else's speech

(2)Эхопраксия = непроизвольное повторение или имитация человеком жестов, поз и движений окружающих его лиц.

Echopraxia = involuntary repetition or imitation by patient of gestures, poses and movements around him.
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