How To Detox

Postby RON WEISS » Tue Sep 27, 2011 4:06 pm

How To Detox :

No doubt, YOU TOO would have heard of the phenomena termed DETOX or DETOXIFICATION, cleansing your human system of harmful toxins, or also commonly known as ‘flushing your system’. This is most commonly used when referring to a newer trend of getting rid of harmful or toxic, bad-for-you-and-your-health type substances from your body, BOTH parts and whole, for optimal health and ultimate peak performance, functioning and BETTER living all-round, making the most of what nature has to offer and your body to provide – a clean, clear and cleansed parts and whole! From head to toe and back!

These types of natural processes and functions of cleaning, clearing and cleansing, getting rid of waste and toxins from the body, are normally typically handled by organs like the liver, lower gastrointestinal tractand kidneys. Recently however, it has been suggested by practitioners and advocates alike that these processes are beneficial for health, well-being and even longevity. They argue that they can be mastered and learned, as well as achieved by balanced living, intervention-type practices and techniques.

Some of these might include processes like dialysis and (in a very limited number of cases) even chelation therapy.

Detoxification (DETOX), falls within the spectrum or realm of alternative medicines that typically has to do with methods used in place of, or in addition to, conventional medical treatments. It has lots of benefits to offer, has to be planned and managed well to get the optimal success and results.

DETOX can also include several traditional medicine techniques and natural sciences, products, from around the world, used complementary to or in place of medical science. It is oten referred to as CAM for short.

Nevertheless, what is DETOX exactly? GOOD QUESTION! There are numerous answer to and definitions of detoxification as well as many streams of thought on the topic. In some cases the jury still being out on its merits, nature and effectiveness.

Diet modifications, eating and nutritional lifestyle altering plans, supplements, herbals, rites and rituals, even processes like colon hydrotherapy, body cleansing juice fasting and sweat lodges fall under this umbrella terminology. Most of these practices and channels are seen as supporting and assisting with the natural detoxification processes you need for optimal functioning and peak performance.

Drink plenty of purifi ed water (at least eight to ten cups (250
mL cups) per day). Add CellfoodR (see resources) to three cups per
day. Th is is essential throughout the program because it helps to
fl ush out the many toxins that will be stirred up and eliminated from
fat stores and organs in your body. CellfoodR speeds detoxifi cation,
particularly of the blood, lymphatic system, and kidneys. It aids water
absorption at the cellular level and, unlike many other oxygen supplements,
provides valuable nutrients, oxygen, and enzymes needed
for healthy detoxifi cation.

It is important that you eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables on
this program.

The enzymes, fibre, water content, vitamins, minerals,
and high-quality protein that fruits and vegetables provide will help
ensure that your nutritional needs are met, particularly since the
detox mechanisms in your body have specifi c requirements. I highly
recommend that you eat organic produce wherever possible since you
are trying to eliminate toxins from your body. Eating conventionally
grown produce increases your exposure to pesticides and other
toxins, the very ones that we are trying to decrease your exposure
to and eliminate from your body.

Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before consuming them to
eliminate any microorganisms that may be present. Also, if you are
unable to buy organic produce, scrubbing your conventionally grown
fruits and vegetables thoroughly will help to reduce your exposure to
pesticides and pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, mould, etc.

Meat is very acidic and requires tremendous energy to digest.

I recommend avoiding meat altogether for this cleanse; however, if
you simply must have some, limit your consumption to one serving
per week maximum. If you do choose to eat meat, it is imperative
that you purchase only organic meat or poultry. Animals are fed
hormones, antibiotics, and other medications to fatten them and to
supposedly keep them healthy. Th ese toxins become concentrated in
the meat we eat. So if you must eat some meat or poultry throughout
your cleanse, eat organic meat a maximum of one time per week.

This will not only be better for your body, but better for the planet
as well.

Limit your consumption of sweets. You can use as sweeteners
small amounts of stevia (a herb that is naturally one thousand times
sweeter than sugar without the harmful eff ects on your blood sugar
levels and your pancreas); raw, unfi ltered honey; pure maple syrup;
or raw sugar. Raw sugar is not the same as turbinado, demerara, or
brown sugar.

The latter three are refi ned white sugar to which molasses
is added. Avoid them. Other sugars to avoid include molasses,
beet sugar, date sugar, corn syrup, glucose, fructose (this is fruit sugar
that has been heavily refi ned), sucrose, maltose, or anything on a
food label that reads “-ose.” Th ey are just as damaging to your body
as white sugar. Of course, your best option is fruit. Forget what Dr.
Atkins tells you about fruit. Fruit is the most cleansing of all foods.
Th roughout this program, you will be eating plenty of fruit. If you
believe you cannot tolerate fruit because it gives you indigestion,
you may be eating it at the wrong time. Fruit is rapidly digested and
doesn’t need to be digested in the stomach like other foods. If you
eat fruit after eating foods that need to be digested in the stomach
(all other foods), all the food, including the fruit, will sit together
and begin to ferment. This will cause all sorts of digestive troubles.

However, if you eat fruit on an empty stomach, you will likely be able
to tolerate it without any discomfort. You will learn more about fruit
consumption and its effects on cleansing in a moment. Be aware that
soft drinks, sweetened juices, fruit punch, and other beverages contain
concentrated sweeteners that are not permitted on this program.

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Postby Candid » Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:13 pm

RON WEISS wrote:You will learn more about fruit
consumption and its effects on cleansing in a moment.
Still waiting.

Cut-and-paste sure saves a lot of time, doesn't it? :lol:
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Postby RON WEISS » Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:23 am

How To Detox-Fruit Detox & Cleanse

The body's reaction to fruit does not stop in the mouth, but continues as the digestive system accepts a food filled with enzymes. These enzymes do almost all the work of digestion, allowing the pancreas a much-needed rest. Fruit sugars, compounded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, are carried by the bloodstream and delivered to every cell in the body. Fruit does not create mucus, a sure sign of how clean and suited this fuel is to our metabolic needs. The fibers that are left behind in the colon are moist and cleansing in nature, softening and removing years of impacted mucus.

Surprisingly, a fruit diet is lower in calories than juice fasting, hence resulting in a deeper detoxification. Also, unlike juice or water fasting, the digestive system does not shut down. This means there is no drop in metabolism as is the case with fasting, where the body is forced into a low-metabolism state to conserve energy resources. An uncompromised metabolism plus a lower calorie intake equals detoxification and safe weight loss. It’s important to be aware, however, that due to the cleansing effect of fruit and the subsequent release of toxins, your tongue will become coated, your breath foul, and you may experience times of weakness. A fruit diet is carried out for a limited period of time to allow the body to detoxify and cleanse while flooding every cell with a clean source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

Organic fruits are perhaps the best cleansers and are best eaten alone. Make a meal out of them or make fresh fruit juice. If the juice seems too sweet, dilute it with some fresh filtered water. Limit the heavier fruits like bananas and avocados. Fruit is cooling, so go easy on them in cold weather.
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Postby RON WEISS » Fri Sep 30, 2011 6:35 am


#1 Rule in detoxification=Eat Organic and Free Range

Eating fruits and vegetables sprayed with pesticides interfere with liver function. Most animals are
injected with growth hormone and antibiotics which change our stomach bacteria and compete with
our natural hormones.

How long should I detox? 5-10 days, this differs with each patient. Obviously if you are having a
number to symptoms you would need a longer detoxification.

What can’t I have on my detox diet?
· Caffeine
· Alcohol
· Sugar or Sugar substitutes
· Butter or margarine
· Refined carbohydrates, white rice or flour products
· Dairy products (milk, cheese, yogurt)
· Non-organic eggs or meat
· Over the counter drugs (Tylenol, ibuprofen)
· Table salt

What can I have on my detox diet?
· Fruits (especially apples, pears, berries)
· Non sweetened fruit juices (tart cherry, pear or pomegranate)
· Vegetables (especially broccoli, cauliflower, artichokes, sprouts, spinach)
· Organic lean meat (fish, turkey, chicken, seafood, Venison) 1 servings/day
· Sea Salt or other seasonings
· Organic eggs(1x day)
· Organic raw nuts
· Olive oil, coconut, grapeseed

What else should I be doing?
· Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of filtered or purified water
· Take a liver or colon supplement (Advaclear 2 capsules 2x/day)
· Medical Food(2 scoops 2x/day) UltraClear Plus, Estrium, UltraMeal, UltraInflamX,
UltraGlycemx (Make it a smoothie)
· Do not do strenuous exercise!
· Prior to the detox weigh yourself, measure waist and hips.

Sample meal suggestions:

· Fruit smoothie with berries and fruit juice, Medical Food
· Scrambled eggs with vegetables or fresh salsa
· Fresh fruit
· Boiled eggs

· Broiled Chicken, Turkey, or fish
· Salad with a vinaigrette dressing (oil, lemon juice, fresh or dry herbs)
· Steamed vegetables(season with herbs or balsamic vinegar)
· Raw vegetables

· Same as lunch
· Vegetable/Meat stir fry (No cornstarch to thicken)
· Homemade Vegetable soup made with organic broths

Beverages should be water, green tea, or no sugar added juice (sparingly as
it does have calories)

How to Detox References:
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Postby Self Exploration » Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:11 am

Water and wheatgrass.
They help a lot.
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Postby paulo111 » Thu Oct 06, 2011 8:04 am

People with methylation problems have by default detox problems. So they need to address the methylation problems in order to get their detox working properly. Calcium d-glucarate helps as well.

Also, things that seriously take it out on the liver are bad bacteria, yeast, heavy metals and virus. You need to address them as well.
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