On Detecting the First Signs of Adrenaline

Postby Leo Volont » Sat Nov 19, 2016 11:58 am

I’ve mentioned that I had read the little book authored by one of our New Members, Osenych (Olga Senych). The book was thorough enough to get me thinking about certain things. In the Section on how Adrenaline can fuel Anger and make an Anger Episode that much Worse, she made the point that each of us should learn how to detect an Adrenaline Release within ourselves, and she made a few suggestions, such as some people make “fists”. That sort of bothered me, since I have found that the “Clenching of Teeth” has proven to be a Sure and Early Sign of an imminent Adrenaline Rush.

Well, it simmered in my Brain for a while and then I remembered a book I had read a while back on Childhood Development – a big fat College Level Textbook. It spoke of Physical and Mental Development being along “Cephalocaudal and Proximodistal” lines, which, in English, means that development Starts first in the Head and then radiates down and from the Center of the Body (So the Head of a Fetus is larger than its body, and the Arms of a Baby are longer than its Legs). That made me think of where Adrenaline was being secreted or sourced from. I was hoping for a Gland in the Brain somewhere, but the actual Adrenal Glands are down in the middle of the torso above the kidneys but below the heart and lungs. But they are ‘centrally’ positioned and close to either side of the spine.

And then we may suppose that the Brain may have some Triggering Effect in the distribution of Adrenaline. When I speak of the ‘Brain’, well, not the more highly evolved ‘thinking’ part of the brain, but that part of our brain that is much the same as that of an animal or reptile – the Instinctual Impulse Brain, and THAT is very close to the Brain Stem, which is, again, very Central.

So it just doesn’t seem very Cunning or Insightful to look for the first Signs of an Adrenaline Rush in our outer limbs. Wouldn’t you suppose that by the time we are making a Fists, we are probably already hitting people with them… that is that it is a Sign that it is already Too Late. As I have said before, it seems like an Adrenaline Rush can Onset and Ramp All the Way Up in just a few seconds and so that makes it Critical to Catch Rush Early, and Stop it, or just get ready for a Rough Ride.

But that brings us to our ‘Clenching Teeth’ … well, the jaw muscles are just inches away from the Brain Stem. And I have had such Wonderful Luck in being able to Totally Shut down Adrenaline Rushes so quickly and completely by simply Unclenching my Teeth IMMEDIATELY, that it Seems I must have found a very early or perhaps the earliest sign of an Adrenaline Rush and a Way to stop it.

Then I am mindful that there was an Old Expression – “having one’s Teeth On Edge” –that certain annoying things or people would “put one’s teeth on edge” – this indicates ‘Nervousness’ and probably the first degrees of Temper. So I am not making up something new. The Concept is as Old and Mossy as, well, Good English… if anybody remembers.

Also, it has been mentioned by some who have read my Adrenaline Related Posts that they have found a Concurrence in their Own Experience – that they noticed the Same Thing as I did, and also seem to have found a somewhat ‘Miraculous’ Way of shutting off Adrenaline Rushes before they can cause an harm – Unclench the Teeth as soon as you catch them Clenching.

Anyway, I may be some old crack-pot, but still, IF I am on to something, then it is well worth considering, isn’t it?
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