Really hurting...

Postby kayagoldenbrighteyes » Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:00 pm

Quick summary of my previous post on here. Was with a man who talked sexulally to girls over line possibility that he cheated in person to. Visited lots of hook up sites, u get the gist.
I went to visit him yesterday he told me to leave and it ended, cause i confronetd him about things again he got defensive. I feel so low right now and so back at parents where its so controlled i dont have a door key (never have had one) parents have always been this way. My mums away and is back tomorrow, im so anxious about this because we clash so much, hard to say but this is why i moved in partly with partner (i nearly took pills) i couldnt take it here anymore felt so depressed, my mum has lot of issues that she vents out on me. So being back here its really making me feel so low im trying to look for work but i cant get my mind into it at all. Just crying so much. My partner (ex) said yesterday i ruined things i need councelling and let my insecurities ruin things for us. I know deep down this sint the case i only saw what i saw. In some way i felt my own person over there with him let myself in and out when i needed, had a job over there i really liked alot, had my independence etc. Feel silly for saying this, but i felt like i belonged there, felt at home. I feel like ive made a mistake. Whats wrong with me.
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Postby GrammaGail » Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:38 pm

The problem is him sweetie, not you. If people get defensive instead of sad that they may have hurt you, their agenda is not about good will towards you but trying to make you feel bad for sticking up for yourself. He wants you where he wants you, PERIOD.

Time to stop thinking about what your hopes and dreams were with this guy. Instead, list the ways you deserve to be loved. Doubt that he will have many of those qualities. Breathe deep and do what is good for your soul.
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Postby hypnotherapy in Sheffield » Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:14 am

Hi kaya,

Oh it sounds like you've had so much rubbish to deal with lately. I hope you're looking after yourself as much as possible at this time (I.e. Going for walks to get some space, hot baths with bubbles etc. films at night - anything to distract yourself and relax).
It sounds like your relationship was not right for YOU, and your instincts sound right to me!
Time to look to where you WANT to be now;
Are you working? If so start to look for just a room somewhere to start off with, keep the bills low and have a bit of your own space until you discover the right people and hobbies etc to be in your life.
If you're not working, head to your social security and see if you can claim some money to live on. This is often sometimes enough to rent a room with if you can get housing benefit. I really am picking up that your parents are not helping you to feel strong and independant.
I don't know how you feel about maybe calling a bit of a family meeting and explaining where you are at and how they can SUPPORT you (getting a house key, letting you know what the bills are for you to contribute etc) generally being more honest and respectful of you (like your a lodger with rights rather than their baby!)

I wish you well chick, in the meantime, if you've been tested emotionally, remember you're gonna be stronger yet!
hypnotherapy in Sheffield
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