Self Esteem A Disease and Obesity a Moral Failing

Postby Ellis Fan » Tue May 22, 2012 4:18 am

The term self esteem is BS. This poorly defined thing we call self esteem is probably on of the most destructive myths and pieces of psycho drivel to ever come down the pike.

The biggest problem I see with "self esteem" is that it is conditional and the people who talk about their "low self esteem" are almost always whiners.

Let's stop this insanity of entertaining the idea of self esteem with whiny clients and show them that's it's BS by making them define it. Then we can work on demolishing their egos and move them towards maturity.

I work exclusively with gluttons who love to toss out the term self esteem as an excuse for they they chronically consume too many calories. They employ this circular thinking that goes, I'm fat because I have low self esteem and I have low self esteem because I am fat. Please help"

The truth is fat people are fat because they eat too much and they eat too much because they are fat.

Gluttony is a choice and if fat people really suffered from "low self esteem" the would not have the psychological fortitude to go out in public. If they were that ashamed of being fat then they would stay home and pig out in private.

I did a little research. I did a Google image search with terms for slender women and obese woman. With safe search off the number of slutty fat women far exceed the number of slender women or normal women. This goes to two things. First, fat girls have no problem acting like tramps. The are also dis inhibited and that accounts for their gluttony and food lust.

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Postby Robert Plamondon » Fri May 25, 2012 6:41 pm

I think that one of the nice things about hypnosis is that you get to work within the client's model of the world, and that means that every wacky thing they believe is a handle you can grasp to help them. So if they believe their only barrier to progress is a lack of "self-esteem," you can crank up their "self-esteem" whether "self-esteem" is a real thing or not. (In fact, the more it isn't real, the easier it is to adjust it, since fiction has fewer limits than reality.)

As for "moral failings," you make it sound as if the suspected presence of a "moral failing" is a reason to give up on your clients. But is this belief any different from the clients' belief that they're being blocked by "low self-esteem"?

Robert Plamondon
Corvallis, Oregon
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