Sleeping tablets

Postby Claire » Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:04 pm

Hi all,
I don't have any symptoms of depression at the moment, except that I am having sleeping problems. I am having problems getting off to sleep, mainly caused by "restless legs". I then wake at about 4am and can't get back to sleep. Even when I do get a full night's sleep, I feel exhausted, as though I haven't slept at all. This was how my first major episode of depresssion started, so I am keen to nip this problem in the bud. I'm thinking of asking my GP to prescribe me with sleeping tablets, but was wondering if anyone had any experience with using them? I have always resisted them in the past (even when in hospital, I refused to take them), but I'd be willing to take them if I thought they would stop the onset of depression. I have tried relaxation tapes, but it doesn't seem to help, and also disturbs my partner(!). Any ideas would be most welcome. By the way, does anyone know if there are any restrictions on prescribing sleeping tablets (I'm considered a "suicide risk").
Cheers, Claire
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Postby jamesieadams » Sat Jun 05, 2004 11:19 am

Hi Claire,
Firstly there are not any restrictions on sleeping pills in terms of suicide risk as you would have to take 100 times the normal dose to kill an average healthy person. GPs dont like prescribing them as people can become dependent upon them not in an addiction sense but in the sense that you can not get a normal sleep without them. your sleep problems sound like a symptom and you should not just treat symptoms you should treat the cause so the question is what is causing you to have these sleep problems?

you mention that you have been depressed in the past. may I ask how that was treated or if it was even treated. you are worried about the depression coming back and that is a rightful concern as sleep disturbance is one of the first 'organic' symptoms of depression. if you are feeling like you are becoming depressed and you have been on a course on anti-depressents before then I would redcommend that you start another course and see how you get on with them. Your GP will provide sleeping pills for a week say if you had something stressful coming up and that was your reason for not being able to sleep. All depression aside now, there may be other causes for your sleep disturbances such as worry or stress, if you have either of these two then you should make steps towards solving those problems. plus another point is avoid any stimulants a good few hours before you go to bed this sounds obvious but so many people forget that a cup of tea can really affect your minds ability to drift off into sleep. plus you should try some relaxation techniques beofore you go to sleep as well such as a bath and some of your favourite peacful music.
take care
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