Hello, and please help.


Postby AlexD » Thu Nov 17, 2016 6:15 pm

The meditation advice is really awesome for someone whose brain simply won't stop working, like it is in your case. Just so you know, you will likely have to explore several meditation techniques to find what really suits you best. The important part is to not give up once you discover that your overloaded brain is revolting against your attempt to calm it down. It is a normal reaction and it is what makes many people who are new to meditation assume that it doesn't work. Not so. But once you learn to focus on your breathing, you will be able to redirect your attention to your breathing when your thoughts start going. That will happen a lot. Just acknowledge that you are thinking and focus back on your breath, letting the though go. It gets easier with practice, but you will need practice. Try to do it 15 minutes right after you wake up and 15 minutes before you crawl into bed. If you are experiencing such hyperactivity, twice a day is better than once daily. Also, think of finding meaningful activities after your stressful work day. Learn something new that will help you build your financials or learn a healthy hobby.
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Postby mayermp » Thu Dec 01, 2016 5:37 pm

Get some free time for yourself to relax or read. Bit of time to forget everything around i really helping :)
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Postby SuzieO » Tue Dec 13, 2016 11:51 pm

I agree with the idea of meditation, it is a great way to let go of the daily stresses. It does take practice and one way I find that helps me is to do some sort mindfulness before the meditation. I like the whole Keep It Simple approach so I keep mindfulness simple - for me its anything that allows you to focus on one thing at a time. I use the mindfulness colouring in, like the mandalas or focus on noises for a few minutes before doing meditation. The noise one is great if you like music, just pick your favourite song and listen to it, focusing on the words to the song, really hear the words and focus on their meaning. Or you can just focus on all the noises that are around you at any moment. For example, at the moment I can hear the noise of me typing, my daughter in the shower, the birds chirping outside my window, a car driving past. For each noise, use the what, who, why and where to direct your focus, e.g. what is the noise?, who is making the noise? where is it coming from? why is the noise there?

Once I do the mindfulness - meditation and getting in the right zone is so much easier.

Hope you find this helpful :)
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