punched my locker at work, broke my metacarple.

Postby angrygeek » Tue Apr 26, 2016 12:56 pm

[M] 31yo. I've had fits of anger in the past. Usually thrown something or kicked something really hard. Once before I punched the dry wall after loosing a hand of online poker. Not very hard did no damage.

Yesterday I had a sh** day at my job. Things got on top of me, little things pissed me off. Didn't want to let my work colleagues know that I wasn't coping (I've just taken on some extra responsibility in the hope that I will get recognised for it in the future with a pay rise)

I came back to the locker room and gave my locker one single very hard punch. Instantly knew I'd broken my hand. Now I'm looking at 6 weeks unable to play cricket while it heals. I probably won't be able to work (hospital has a bare bellow the elbow policy on the wards where I work) and I'm going to have to tell my parents what I've done.

I told my boss that I did it at home by dropping the sofa on it when moving furniture. Don't want to have to deal with this to my work colleagues, most are women and I don't think they'll understand.

Any advice on how to get my hand better quickly and more importantly, how to deal with this so that I don't do something like this again and hurt myself or someone else.
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Postby Leo Volont » Tue Apr 26, 2016 1:46 pm

Dear AngryGeek,

Hmmm… your Name doesn’t sound right. ‘Geeks’ have more than enough problems, but one never thinks of them as getting angry. Geeks take everything Intellectually, which is one of the reasons why they are a bit Socially Awkward… and why people call them geeks.

It is Macho Jerks that punch their lockers and break their hands.

Oh, I once broke my hand … at work… I was working on this huge Test Stand and crawling about underneath it when one of the steel door panels fell off and landed on my hand. Yes, talk about knowing when you hand is broke…. There is no having to take a second guess about that. It didn’t heal exactly right… I don’t have the same finger spread with the ‘broken’ hand as with the good hand. And I am a musician. I should have sued that Company for 10 million dollars.

But, this is about YOU, isn’t it? This kind of stuff happens too much with you. It IS good that you are Never Angry around other people. But that might change over time. So you need to learn how to control yourself. And it IS possible. I remember back when I was young. I would use Objects to Break other Objects. (what possessed YOU to use your Hand!?) But I have not done anything like that in the last 30 years. You can train yourself to be alert to your Thinking and your Actions. A lot of time Angry Behavior does not come all at once. As in your case, you had a bad day and you probably ‘egged yourself on’ with some very nasty and negative Internal Dialogue – angry and destructive thoughts going through your mind. If you read a few very good Anger Management Books you would learn to Re-direct such Thinking. You will learn to say to yourself “Useless, Hostile, and Negative Thinking is both Unpleasant, and may Lead to Trouble… such as my working myself up to point where I do something so contradictory as to punch my hand into a sheet of steel in order to make myself feel better…”

Yes, you are not a very angry person… not even close. But some Anger Management Awareness would only help you for the entire rest of your life.
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