Persistant Anxiety

Postby ThisGuy » Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:22 pm

.I was diagnosed with comorbid generalized anxiety disorder and clinical depression. Although I have been treated for both my anxiety and depression seem to persist ecmven though its been 7 weeks since I quit smoking pot and about 2 years since I was bullied.

Althouh both are very tiring and difficult to cope with and treat, in my case, the anxiety has been so challenging lately. I struggle to make and keep friends because I have pervasive thoughts that people are judging me almost everytime I meet someone new or walk by someone. Even though I know cognitively that they aren't I still have those intrusive thoughts, does anyone else have any similar experiences like this? Are you able to deal with them?

In addition I really have a hard time concentrating in school because I am unable to focus because I have add but mostly because I am worrying about something else.

It also ties into relationships and my deep deep lonliness I feel. I always used to rely (unintentionally) on weed to make friends which I thought was effective at the time but I wasnt meet the type of people I wanted to have in my life. Weed also made my anxiety worse and caused many panic attacks. I am still dealing with some anxiety and I find it usually very difficult yo talk to people because I am always afraid ill say the wrong thing. Also when I do begin having a positive relationship i seem to mess up somehow and i think its because my anxiety manifests. I also usually dont have anything to talk about besides my anxiety and other problems and that's seems lot turn people off.

Again, does anyone ever have similar experiences? No matter how hard I try I cant seem to shake these feelings and they keep popping up and it makes me physically very exhausted and seems to burn down all the energy I have. And even though I bike everyday and get exercise through that I still kind of feel the same.

Im just sick of it.
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Postby 2scents » Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:53 pm

I love words and their meanings.
When i see the word disorder...i look up dis-and -order.

I'd concentrate on creating order in your life.

Since you have quit and been clean plus even had therapy. ..I'd say you are eons ahead in this fight!!
You may feel discouraged -or what not but i use the word fight on purpose.

You must fight through. I won't promise youll arrive on another side. Beacuse in my own experience, i have had moments of rest or recoup but then it's back in the ring we go.

I think the battle is in our mind. The talk we do on a continual basis day in and day out.

I encourage you to begin a different internal dialogue...i relate to you and yes i do manage...
Some days better than others.

But i remain hopeful, positive and joyful on purpose. Sometimes it takes watching piano guys to cheer up or other times going for a walk...i went through 10 years of opposites...

Like if i thought i wanted "this" then i deliberately did "that". Becuase i had to reprogram myself. In a way.

My "this" in the beginning was unhealthy, negative or not best for myself in the long run.

When most tempted i just played out the various scenarios in my mind...follow them out.

Try and see how selfish it would be and ask myself am i Taking or Giving?

...when i learned to take responsibility for my actions and reactions. I made progress.

All the best to you :)
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Postby Weitzel » Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:17 pm

if you're trying every natural method of bike riding, exercising, talking with friends, going outside, dieting etc. etc. and they don't work (most of which I've seen you posted) then I think that you might be needing a doctor to prescribe some anti anxiety... though this is only my opinion
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Postby handheart » Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:25 am

It seems to me that you have also low self esteem not only anxiety Try to read a lot of personal development like tony robins napoleon hill etc this will give you confidence in you .also try to confront your fear and speak with people the succes people dont afraid of mistakes
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Postby Weitzel » Tue Aug 16, 2016 4:19 pm

agreed. people who are afraid of mistakes are not achieving anything... at least in most cases.
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Postby Simona1999 » Sun Nov 06, 2016 2:20 am

I feel the same way, I understand how you feel. I too have a really hard time making friends, I have none anymore. I don't trust anyone these days. My mind is like a crazy rollercoaster, travels everywhere. It's a struggle living with generalized anxiety disorder, I feel like I am locked away in my thoughts, unable to escape and I am not able to express myself. And I don't like getting close to people. I always shiver, sweat and shake and a lot of times find it hard to consentrate and breath, I forget to breath too. Just know that you're not alone. I always feel so alone.
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