8 months weed free

Postby Backtothebasics » Mon Sep 13, 2021 12:24 am

Hello all,
I found this website 3 months into my quit at one of my lowest points. I’ve finally decided to make an account and contribute to the discussion. I will start with my timeline of events then go into a little more detail about myself and my battle with paws. Before I start I want to thank everyone sharing their stories, I don’t know where I’d be without them.

Week 1:
Cravings, night sweats, difficulty sleeping but manageable.

Week 2-2 months:
This was a very scary time in my life. Extreme anxiety all day everyday. No sleep. Complete restlessness. Headaches. Brain fog. Terrible memory. Social anxiety as well as becoming completely awkward. Waking up exhausted & Utter confusion about what was going on.

Month 3-5
Extreme depression, self doubt, intrusive thoughts, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, 0 sex drive, brain fog, body tremors. Difficulty communicating, socially awkward. Loss of joy in basically everything. Yup pretty much a living hell haha.

Month 6-7
Sex drive started to return. Anxiety lessoned slightly, depression lifted slightly, waking up less tired, sleeping better, patches of feeling better.

Here I am at month 8. I’d say I’m about 50 percent better. Still loads of healing to do. My social skills are still not the best, I have patches in my day where I feel okay but moderate to high anxiety persists as well as slight depression. Still feel socially awkward & light brain fog. A major thing that’s been bothering me is I always look tired no matter how much I sleep. Does this fix itself?
Why do I always have bags under my eyes and look exhausted?

I’m 29 years old. Smoked everyday for 11 years. Heavy and high quality indica. I was having the time of my life. Everyday would include going to views, the beach, parking lots, friends houses and getting completely stoned with friends. 1 thing I noticed is weed helped me socially. I was able to hangout with almost anyone that smoked and make a good time out of it. Now I feel a loss of connection with all those people. Even people I was friends with for 10+ years. Bummer. I’m working on normalizing my life, I feel like this is a big step to recovery. Finding joy in watching tv, riding my bike, and going out without being stoned has been a challenge. I felt quitting weed would simplify things, but it seems it’s complicated everything. A pro to smoking is having something to look forward to after a long day. Taking that edge away and just enjoying getting stoned was awesome. The reason for my quit came from realizing I was coming up on 30 years old and just getting stoned everyday. After I quit I realized how dependent I was and how far away from reality it brought me. I am a working professional in the medical field hoping to make a complete recovery and just live a normal happy life.

I hope everyone going thru this finds peace! I can first hand tell you how hard it’s been.
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