Anxiety & My Relatiinship: Whe to get help?

Postby Rebeccageee » Sat May 13, 2017 2:04 pm

I am 23 years old and have been with my boyfriend since I was 17. Since January this year, out of nowhere, I have been experiencing relationship anxiety.

Thoughts enter my head, often asking if he's the one, if I love him and so on. I feel so awful. I spoke to him about this in January and broke both our hearts but he deserves the truth. The anxiety subsided, it always does. But like that it always comes back. I know I love my boyfriend, he is perfect. He is caring, kind, affectionate and all the good things you can imagine. But my anxiety surrounding our relationship is bad and I am wondering, should I seek help?

In the last five months I have had a few panic attacks and experience a tighr chest and throat when anxious. I love him, he is my future, but these thoughts are making me think, if this feeling is here, it means something surely? And as soon as a tiny thought gets in my head, it snowballs into thinking about breaking up with him and thinking it's the right thing to do. Even though I don't want to?

As I write this I Seen my boyfriend earlier today. I'm home now and am waiting for him to collect me. But since I've been home I've constantly thought of him. Needing to see him and not concertrating in anything else. He told me he is coming to get me soon and it lifted my mood instantly.

I am unsure to go to the doctor. Or who even to go to. I feel so lost and helpless. Our sex life has went out the door entirely for me. It doesn't help he's been living at home with family members who can deffo hear if we try anything!

This isn't the only thing going on; I have recently found out I am not getting into university and feel my life is going nowhere. Combined with these thoughts, I cry instantly. Should I seek help? And does anyone else feel this way about their partner? I have been out off reaching for help as my anxiety does leave for days at a time. But cripples when it comes back. Anything anyone can say, please help

Thank you
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Postby Mimble14 » Sat May 13, 2017 6:43 pm

Im so sorry you're feeling like this. I think it's always worth going to see your doctor, because there are a lot of physical things that can cause anxiety that you might want to be double sure aren't an underlying issue (thyroid issues etc). A simple blood test is worth asking for, and a heads up on what support is available in your local area of you feel that you'd like some.

Another thing to consider is approaching an organisation like Relate. A trained relationship counsellor might be well placed to talk you through your issues, either by yourself or with your boyfriend alongside you. It's so important to figure out how to communicate with those we love the most, but it takes a lot of work and practice. But getting to a point where you can truly open up to each other regardless of if it's in an argument or a deep and neaningful talk about the future or just about what to have for dinner, you might find your anxieties subside. Wishing you the best x
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