Postby jack29 » Fri Jun 29, 2018 7:55 pm

I feel the need to share this information with you as I too have spent countless hours searching online for a cure to these problems.. I have tried every vitamin and supplement available and nothing has worked until recently.. For the past two weeks I have been drinking 2 teaspoons of black seed oil a day and the results have been amazing.. I would say my anxiety has reduced by approximately 80% and my blushing by maybe 70% which makes a huge difference to my life..Also, the anxiety seems to be diminishing as time progresses so it may get even better. I still maintain that some psychological work is required in order to totally defeat anxiety, hypnosis has worked for some and not for others. Another option that i'm currently researching is psilocybin mushrooms, there is more and more new evidence to suggest that the use the psilocybin mushrooms can help people to break the negative thought patterns that are regularly occurring in our minds.. this can work incredibly well in defeating addictions as we as phobias or irrational negative thought patterns.
With regards to BLACK SEED OIL I recommend taking two teaspoons per day and mixing it with something as it has a nasty taste to be honest. Some may feel an immediate effect while for others it may take up to two weeks for it to start working properly.
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