Adrenaline and Fight or Flight or Is It Bluff and Bluster

Postby Leo Volont » Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:35 am

I was reading the new Anger Management book by our new member, Olga Senych (Osenych), and it got me to New Thinking on an Old Subject, that is, how Anger is fuelled by the Adrenaline that starts pumping during what we call “Fight or Flight” situations. Then it flashed on me from maybe close to 50 years ago when I was in University, doing an Animal Behaviour Course and reading Conrad Lorenz. He presented the idea that it is more complicated than Fight or Flight. You see, Fighting can cause so much Damage, with all that Tooth and Claw business, that animals are smart enough to try to avoid it. So most animals use Bluff and Bluster – Lions roar, dogs bark and growl, cats puff up their fur and stand in profile to appear larger, and they hiss like snakes, and snakes hiss like cats, gorillas jump up and down and beat their chest, bulls snort and stomp the ground and kick up dust, and Human Beings get ANGRY – they jump up, make fists, raise their voices, and use all the frightful swear words in their languages lexicon. No, Lorenz did not say that. But it is a good generalization of the principle, don’t you think?

But just because it may be Bluff and Bluster doesn’t mean that there is no significant actual Danger in Anger. You see, in Nature the Bluff and Bluster holds up well enough only while it is Convincing and Confident. But what happens when one of the Animals breaks and runs? The other animal’s Adrenaline goes from Bluff and Bluster mode to that of Pursuit and Fight. That is why they tell people NOT to turn their backs on a Bear, or any Wild Animal that is facing them down. One has to Stand Up to them, and act Large and Confident. Yes, often in Nature you could expect an Animal to Accidentally wonder into another Animal’s Territory. In such encounters, out comes the Bluff and Bluster in both Animals, but Studies have shown that the Out Of Territory Animal is more than likely very willing to back off and away, BUT, they never drop Eye Contact – they maintain a ‘Hostile Retreat’, and typically the ‘Territorial’ Animal will not follow beyond its own Territory. So in the Wild it is recommended to keep facing the Animal, but to back up and away, as the Animal will expect that behaviour and even be a bit relieved by it…. But just don’t turn your back. A lot of People know this in regards to Wild Animals, but they forget that the SAME THING may apply between One Person and Another. So, what if you accidentally violated some Angry Person’s Self-Perceive ‘Territory’ and they get freak out Angry? Well, treat them like a Wild Animal, that is, NEVER turn your back on an Angry Person, as their Bluff and Bluster may instantly snap into Fight and Aggression if they see an Easy Occasion to ‘Pounce’. Often in Spousal Abuse Cases, the Violence occurs when the Non-angry Spouse ‘turns’ and walks away. Sometimes they are attacked when trying to call the police, but it may be actually that they took their eyes off the Angry Person to dial the phone. I remember as a child, I was having an angry fight with a brother, and I turned to walk away – he ran up from behind and shoved me down a fight of stairs! So, Never Turn Your Back on Bluff and Bluster, or the Adrenaline may really turn Nasty!
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Postby whybotherwhynot » Fri Nov 18, 2016 2:05 pm

I've been reading many posts of yours. I admire your wisdom and have great respect for you. Thank you for sharing many opinions and great advice for many posters on here which I can learn and apply to my life and career.

I'm mostly on the peace side, but I agree sometimes we have to fight for our rights, stand up against bullies, speak up when we see something wrong. In the history, if people did not fight, did not stand up, did not speak up, there would not be the Human Rights and Equality for men and women and Protection Law for children like now even though there are still things can be improved. And those people who dare to fight and speak up are the brave ones who sacrifice for others. However, it's wise to know when to fight and when to flight. It's good to know "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.
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Postby Leo Volont » Sat Nov 19, 2016 12:49 am

whybotherwhynot wrote:I've been reading many posts of yours. I admire your wisdom and have great respect for you. Thank you for sharing many opinions and great advice for many posters on here which I can learn and apply to my life and career.

I'm mostly on the peace side, but I agree sometimes we have to fight for our rights, stand up against bullies, speak up when we see something wrong. In the history, if people did not fight, did not stand up, did not speak up, there would not be the Human Rights and Equality for men and women and Protection Law for children like now even though there are still things can be improved. And those people who dare to fight and speak up are the brave ones who sacrifice for others. However, it's wise to know when to fight and when to flight. It's good to know "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu.

Dear Whybother

Thank you so much -- you flatter me and I am vain enough to appreciate it!

Now about 'Standing Up for Rights' and Fighting. Well, History belongs to the Survivors, and the Survivors are usually the one's who exercised the Most Violence Most Effectively. Read History -- there is nothing More Disruptive than Social Revolutions. Most of the Time the Elites feel compelled to 'Circle their Wagons' and annihilate any incipient Rebellion -- for them it is Kill or Be Killed. Then there are enough 'Successful' Rebellions, where the Elites actually are Slaughtered to justify the Concern of future Elites (just look at China... The Political Elite there are the Aging Heroes of what was the Bloody Cultural Revolution which 'rubbed out' many of the Party Functionaries back in the '60 and '70s, and these Old Heroes have grown to see that their Own Bureaucracy is made up of very much the Same Kind of Functionaries, and that their Rebellion had been the product of Youthful Foolishness and Frustrated Bloodthirstiness, which is WHY these Former Heroes of Rebellion were so insistent on Stamping Out the Recent "pro-Democracy" Movement.... The Pro-Democracy Title is what the American's were Calling It -- all Propaganda -- but Protestors, whatever they call themselves for Political Convenience, who Overwhelm the Establishment ALWAYS turn Violent and Dictatorial -- Once they get Power, they won't just Let It Go.... especially to have it 'voted away from them'. So you see, it is this Inherent Violence which has Societies Too Afraid to be Peacefully Civilized. It is the Elite's Fear of what you call "Standing Up" that compels the Elites to keep to such a Hard Line. If only Everyone would just Mellow Out. Oh, but then we get Concentration of Wealth and the Rich Get Richer and the Peaceful Poor just Die of Starvation Like Good Sports.

But my point is that We Do Not Know how Liberal the Elites would have been if they were not so Afraid of the 'Rebel Classes'. But, Historically the Biggest Problem is NOT with Human Rights.... the Main Engine that has Toppled Every Civilization that has ever Fallen is Concentration of Wealth -- a Tiny Nucleus of Wealthy People acquire enough Power through Wealth to Coopt and Starve out Government and cut spending for Infrastructure, Social Support, and Military... and Everything then just Collapses. The Few Wealthy People are too Isolated in their Wealthy Paradise to See what is Happening... and they all seem quite surprised when the Huns are at the Gate.... Like Elite America was surprised by Trump...

anyway, WhybotherWhynot.... you can see how There Are No Easy Answers.... But with your Name, I suppose you already know that....
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