Hi everyone, I was wondering if someone could please help me with a trouble that I have been having at work lately?
Basically, I have been this way all throughout my life but now it is becoming a real problem because it is affecting my ability to work and therefore could stop me from getting money to live. All throughout college/university I would be so scared whenever I performed a presentation, done an exam or wrote an essay I would feel so anxious about the results and truly believed I would fail miserably. I never even thought I would be able to graduate but I did and I did pass everything okay. I was even shocked when I received very good feedback on my work. I just have this inner feeling inside me that it was a mistake of some sort. Even when I was working in jobs that involved minimal effort or ability I would be so anxious that I was doing things wrong. I was convinced I was going to slip up in some way that would lead me to lose my job or something or I would do something wrong in some way and get punished for it. Now I am self-employed and have been for the past year running my own business - things really took off and I was making quite a bit - more money than I have ever made in my life. I felt very happy and content with the income I was on - I was comfortable basically but then the more I grew and the more I got good responses from others and more people that came to my business the more scared I got. As much as I appreciate someone's custom it was scary because I felt that one day I would slip up and realise that my service was rubbish in some way. I got so scared I would put off working to the point where now, I am basically not. This is my dream job basically and I am so scared of slipping up in some way. My income is very minimal now, basically nothing and I want to get back on track to where I was. Please could someone help suggest a way for me to try to overcome this fear? I know that this is pathetic and I know I should just do it but I can't. Simply doing it does not make it better it makes it worse for me - the more I do it and the more I build my business, the more scared I get of failure. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for reading!