5:2 diet - a mentally better option

Postby djenner » Wed Jul 23, 2014 8:40 pm

I am about 20 kgs overweight and been on protein diets, weight watchers,....and recently I discovered the 5:2 diet. In the end "most" weight loss" you achieve is because you consume less calories, but I've been doing it for some time and lose about 1 kg a week. On the other 5 days I watch out, but nothing is forbidden. I know that a real bad day won't hurt me that bad because I have 2 days a week to compensate it.
Traditional doctors will say we'll have to stick to traditional things but it's the first thing that seems to work mentally for me and isn't that the most important part of it? I know the weight loss won't be as quick as on protein diets but it feels good to know that there's always tomorrow after a diet day.
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