My story, hope it helps......

Postby jpilkington » Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:40 pm

Everyone has a story to tell, this is mine…yes panic attack city.
I started with panic attacks a couple of years ago and like most didn’t have a clue what was happening, I actually thought I had taken too many painkillers, at the time I was suffering with a mouth abscess. I called the NHS line and went home to bed and thought nothing more of the incident.
A few months later I was at work and it happened again although this time much worse….like yourselves I had all sorts running through my mind, I’m I going to pass out, I need to see a doctor, pins and needles in my fingers, things just didn’t seem right and had a dreadful feeling in my stomach and felt dizzy and sick, does this mean I lose my job, my thoughts were endless.
The doctor told me to go home, relax and take a few day so off work.
This appeared to work and things were soon back to normal.

However, I then took a far away holiday of a life time with my husband and a couple of close friends……..what a nightmare!!.. Once I arrived the panic set in. I thought I was dying, couldn’t stop crying, ,couldn’t go out, I was stuck in my room for a fortnight filled with fear, upset, frustrated. Come to get on the aeroplane… well let just say a few drinks later I managed it. Slept all the way home.

Once at home I thought things would be better. Not the case it appeared to get worse, I managed to get to the doctors (with my mum) I needed a carer where ever I went. By this time I was off work sick. They prescribed me beta blockers, which appeared to work for a short while and I just went back into the downward spiral. Eventually, I managed to research in to panic attacks and went to hypnotherapy, and had massages, I also went to a psychiatrist to learn about cognitive therapy. I could feel my self getting stronger by the day, sure I also had a few rough days as we all do.

Its taken 2 years to get normality back in my life, I still get them in fact I just had one which made me write this, I now accept this as my normal life and once they’ve passed just throw my self back out there. For me it’s like having a broken hand once it’s healed it’s stronger, however, if you don’t look after it might break again…..and the cycle begins. I am no longer on medication but I keep spare ones as a support crutch I suppose.

Never stop trying to relax, I play a game with myself and see how relaxed I can get myself. Obviously at appropriate times and not whilst driving etc.

My plan is to turn my negative in to positive, yeah sure I suffer from panic, but I have learnt so much from it, I now look after my self a lot more and surprisingly I enjoy my relaxed life a lot more. I have noticed a knock on effect with my Family and work colleges, people see me differently now. Happier……

I rambled on bit but if I have helped/inspired just one person it’s been worth it.
Remember guys ‘a problem shared is a problem halved.’
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Postby Michael Lank » Wed Jun 30, 2004 7:48 pm

Hi jpilkington,

Welcome to the Forum.

A great first post, thank you for telling us your experiences. I love the idea of playing a game with yourself to see how relaxed you can get.

It's great that things are continuing to improve and that you've got some valuable learnings from the experience.

You might be interested to read Panic Attacks website.

Keep in touch with us at the forum

Best wishes.
Michael Lank
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