Hi all,
I'm posting this because I'm unable to find anything online about this topic.
My aim is to retrain the way I think about my job. Currently, it's like I'm passive and weak when it comes to taking actions and being thorough. However, this is causing all kinds of problems for me.
I work with a Manager and I do similar work to him and I'll be working on an account and he'll come along and ask how I'm getting along and he'll suddenly ask questions I hadn't thought of and he can resolve issues quickly. I seem to miss all of this. To give you some examples:
I've been contacting a client by email; he asked why I hadn't phoned? Yes, why didn't I?
Another account I've worked on - they weren't completing work I have sent over; he asked if I had told them or escalated it? No, again I had not.
I can provide many more examples of this.
Overall, my work is good but it falls short of where I want to be. My question is - can I retrain how I think about the above issues and be decisive and thorough and have it where I've covered the issues my manager will also cover?
The only thing I can do is write out the entire episode and list all the potential actions I can take so next time, I have a kind of 'mental script' to refer to. Also, it seems to help if I see myself as a Manager and somebody came to me with those issues, I know exactly what to do. Yet when I think of myself doing it, I become passive and weak.
Any ideas?
Thanks all,