My Dad is a Poison to our family

Postby QueenBeauty? » Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:46 am

Throughout the years, ever since I was 13, my dad stopped being nice to me. I never knew why, he never told me despite the fact I asked him. He became distant with me and closer to my little brother. He often put me down, made me angry and when I was getting angry he would shove soap in my mouth or slap me for responding in a fight back way to defend myself because I was sad and angry he would insult me deeply whenever I was misbehaving in my childhood. My mom said that he always doubted me because I had trouble throughout my life keeping a job, finishing school or doing anything productive really. Even though I tried. I told him that the reason I stopped being productive is because he took me out of my soccer team when I was 13. I loved that sport and I was very good at it. My coach told me I had a future in this sport if I continued.

My dad went through money issues and that's when the huge fights started in my family. I saw my parents drinking, my mom yelling at my dad while crying and hitting him and my dad hitting her. I still hear and feel the screams in my head even though things are better now financially with my dad and with my mom. However, my mom still drinks because my father makes her unhappy. He never really stood up for her when his family was insulting my mom or bringing us down. It was like this throughout my whole childhood. I had some good times , but for some reasons, it's the worst times that stands out in my heart and mind. My dad never stood up for me or protected me like the other dads my friends had. Today, my mom told me that my dad spoke to my uncle and aunt , saying that my cousin is very successful in life and doing very well. My mom got annoyed at him asking him : ''Why on Earth do you talk to me about your niece like she was some sort of queen instead of showing off about your own daughter and being proud of her''?! My dad said because he doesn't believe in what I tell them I do. I sleep late and wake up late, my husband lost his job and it's a hard time right now. We both went through a depression and he was on medication for it. My dad doesn't believe in mental illness. He says that you gotta man up and find a job and work work work and wake up early and make money. I understand that, but considering the way he's been making my life miserable as a child by taking away everything I always loved, I grew up discouraged and with grief. I always been attracted to older man because , yes...I have daddy issues. I am in love with my husband, but before I met him, I wanted to sleep or have some sort of relationship with much older men sexually and mentally (between age 40-60).

I always was attracted to maturity, protection, a manly man who stands up for me and defends me and gives me the chance and encouragements to give my full potential. With all the fights and insults by my dad, it was hard for me to grow up being disciplined. I feel weak, sad and broken often. I thought about suicide, but ever since I tried I got really scared so I never tried again. Sometimes I feel like enrolling myself in the army to show my dad that I'm ready to die for him to believe in me. I feel lost. I know me and my husband have to find a job , I have to finish school and we wanna travel and do so much things, but we both went through a depression, I feel discouraged, no motivation at all to smile or be happy to anyone..I feel aggressive, passive aggressive and poisoned mentally. I gained weight also. I am open to your advice, not insults (my dad gave me plenty of those) I feel like there is a child trapped inside my heart and my aggressive , moody carapace is protecting what's left of the nice me. I had to cut contact with my dad's family because they we're bringing me down too and my mom and my brother because we weren't as successful to them as them and my dad never defended us.
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Postby fenichel » Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:54 am

Well, he's still your dad in spite of all his shortcomings. Imagine him dead. Write his obituary. You'll have to find something good to say about him, as that is what obituaries are for.
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Postby QueenBeauty? » Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:26 pm

He does have some good qualities, but read what he did to me as a child. Taking me away from everything I enjoyed in life and the fights and insults, bringing me down, discouraging me. Never standing up for me when I had problems. He did the same to my mom. My mom is now alcoholic and bipolar. This morning I woke up to her yelling at my dad again.
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Postby Leo Volont » Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:33 pm

Dear Queen Beauty,

My oh my. Yes, I commiserate with how you feel. Your Father is definitely no Father of the Year. But let me talk to you as an old man who once had a father myself. And I am a father who has made some mistakes also…. With a daughter.

Life is rough. They do not teach parenting skills in school and what the Churches teach is often too idealistic to apply to the real world and actually causes more harm than good. People used to live by Traditional Values but with the onset of the Modern World, well, ‘tradition’ has evaporated away and everybody is stuck with trying to ‘reinvent the wheel’ all on their own.

Yes, if the Children are perfect and bright and ambitious and well behaved then it all is quite easy, isn’t it. But how often does that occur. Most children have problems, and then what is a parent to do? Really? There are the pleasant and mostly aesthetically appealing solutions – be supportive of the child through everything that you think is troublesome until the child finds its own way through some infallibly innate wisdom… but Adults simply do not believe in That anymore. Adults have been shocked and shaken out of the Dreams of Youth. Yes, a parent should be understanding and patient with the delusions of youth that they actually think are useless, damaging and silly, but, remember, as you described, parents are often up to their ears in REAL PROBLEMS. Money. Holding their own relationships together. Sometimes they just wish that the children would just listen and do what they are told. It would make everything so much easier if the children did not add their own problems to everything else that is piling up.

Your father is human. Your mother is human. You have no problem with your mother because you blame your father, but really? A strong woman makes a man’s job far easier. Now, I am not blaming your mother for anything, but you do seem to expect your father to be everything… to be some all powerful god that knows all and sees all and can do everything that needs to be done all by his lonesome. What kind of expectations are those. Do you expect the same from yourself? You are old enough to realize how Youthful Hopes can be let down by the Actual Facts of Life. Are you well on the Way to being a Rich and Famous PHD by the time you are 33 years old? I hope so, but probably not. The World is extremely competitive and we all have been put in our place, haven’t we, at some time or another. We can’t always get what we want. Parents know that. It is seared on their souls, with untold pains and regrets. I’m sure they wish they cold save their children from the same turmoil and anxieties, but there is so little chance of that. Weren’t you thinking of making your living playing soccer? Really? Maybe yes, you may have been good enough for a full scholarship somewhere, but your father simply saw it as a losing toss of the dice… you know, he could see how you played and he could see how the other girls played…. He might be mean and short tempered and impatient, but so far we have not established that he is stupid. He made a decision. Men… Fathers… need to do that sometimes.

Anyway, I will again say that Life is Hard. Please cut the poor old man some slack. Yes, you are not the center of his World. He may even find you annoying and troublesome and may wish to avoid you. But how much of that is because you have become this ‘Dark Cloud’ on his horizon? Is he to love somebody who obviously has so many negative judgements about him. Wouldn’t that weight him down. Wouldn’t it weigh you down? Live life and make some mistakes of your own and then see how you feel about people who will never let up and just rub your nose in those past mistakes forever. I’m pretty sure you would take it the same way as your father is taking it – he avoids what causes him pain. Who wouldn’t?

Now, I was young myself once, and my father was no father of the year either. But now that I am older than he was when he died, well, I can look back and honestly say that the guy scrambled and did the best he could with what little he had. Who can ask for more?
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