Anxious to go to Psych Eval

Postby Teclo » Sat Jun 12, 2004 6:02 pm

I know some of you here are doctors and therapists so any help you can provide to help calm me down will be VERY VERY much appraciated.

I have a psych evaluation from the county mental health board coming up this Friday. I'm already losing sleep over it. :( I've been waiting for over a month for this appointment and now that it's almost here I'm geting really nervous. I called them to ask what it will involve and all the woman said was that it's a psych eval and that their will be questions and paper work and that it will be at least 45min - 1hour :(

I went to the medicaid office on Thursday last week with my step-father as a support person and had one of the worst PA's I've had in a while so we had to leave before I could finish applying for medicaid.

Today I went to the post office (trying to get used to getting out) and it was MOBBED! I had to put some stuff in post office envlopes so one I did that I couldn't leave without paying for them and I started having another MAJOR PA. The guy behind me kept giving me weird looks because I was shaking so much but I had to stay and wait out the line or else risk stealing from the government. I made it but I'm still shaking.

Anyhow, I have to go in to the County Crisis Center for my eval or else I'll never be able to start getting some help (hopefully meds and therapy) and it's not something they'll do over the phone. :thumbsdown: No one will be around to go with me either and it's someplace I've never been to and it's over a half hour away through rush hour traffic on a road with TONS of traffic lights. I don't know if I can make it there let alone sit there for an hour while some stranger asks me a bunch of questions. I'm worried he'll just think I'm faking or something or won't give me any meds because it's a county place.

Please help me!! :help: I don't know what to do. I'm trying all the steps in the forums and Anxiety Workbook to work through this before it happens but I still can't calm down about it. :(

Thanks in advance for any help/advice/comfort you can give me. :wub:

Also, can anyone give me some slightly more specific info as to what the eval will entail? And how long it might take from having the eval to getting some meds and therapy?
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Postby jo.m » Sat Jun 12, 2004 7:52 pm

Hi there

Sorry to hear you're not feeling to good at the moment - unfortunately I can't give you any medical advice but I hope I can give you a little bit of moral support if nothing else :)

Sometimes we can build ourselves up to think that something is going to be a lot worse than it really is - you may get to your psych evaluation and find that it isn't so bad after all and you may even wonder what all the fuss was about afterwards. Don't beat yourself up about feeling a little anxious right now, just remember these feelings aren't going to last forever - they will go away and you will feel heaps better very soon.

I know it can be frustrating that you can't click your fingers and make it all go away overnight but at the very least you can take a little time out for yourself to try and relax - nice lavendar bath, walk in the park or whatever it is that might take the edge off those horrible feelings.

Take care

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