anyone know anything about prenatal depression???

Postby dee » Thu Feb 05, 2004 4:41 pm

been pregnant several times, this time I managed to get pregnant way too soon after having my last child. Typical features of depression except that literally no-one has been able to help me so far. After about a month which included self hospitalisation(one of the worst things as they didn't actually do anything at all, not even talk, and I couldn't eat their food as I have a dairy allergy) I was almost sectioned by my mother even though she knew that this would be about the worst thing for me. This came about because I was finally able to express some of what had been happening to me, which caused her to panic. She doesn't really have a clue so I have rejected her at the moment. She is quite manipulative at the best of times and tended to use me as her leaning post previously. Role reversal clearly isn't on the cards here.

I have seen my GP who has been great, she has offered to refer me but I live in city where it would take ages before I was seen. Though I have suicidal thoughts I have enough insight to know that this is part of my depression. I have a partner who has been emotionally unavailable for a long time now anyway, and who simply will not participate in what he calls meaningless gestures. What I'd call reassurance and supportive behaviour, ie txt msgs saying loving things etc. So support is a bit thin on the ground as he has also told all our friends that I don't want to talk to anyone at all. This isn't true. I don't feel able to approach anyone else with this,because he has said that I don't want any contact, but what I meant was, I didn't want any contact with him. Not much seems to be clear about prenatal depression, but I know that in this I am aware of some psychotic episodes occurring over the last month. Now it's just the uncontrollable rage I have to deal with. Any ideas, please, anyone???
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