Looking for advise

Postby tokeless » Wed Sep 15, 2021 1:00 pm

I' ve tried many trainings, webinars, and books in my time. I even visited psychologist and bought a whole course of his services, but it didn't help (a complete disappointment, I don't recommend it). I was still a complex, insecure, lonely and withdrawn person. And then I came across the Master Kit app. There is a friend who uses it. She says the results are excellent, and I noticed that her life has become different.

So, you've tried all the above at some cost, yet you ask whether another site, with by the sounds of it, quite costly will help you?

It will certainly make you poorer, but no further down the road you wish to travel.
What you may need to do is look at the way you define yourself above....you then need to think which one is the catalyst. If you address the withdrawn bit, think of what you enjoy and seek others or a group that also does and join it, even create one if there are none where you are? This would address the lonely aspect, which will help improve the insecurity if you don't back away from others because of it. Be open about why you joined, accept company and throw yourself at life... what can you lose over what you can gain?? I don't really think people are complex because they see themselves as that. Perhaps you've convinced yourself you are, when really you start off being lonely and all the other factors develop from it.
Not sure if that helps, but it's free, won't make you poorer and is well intentioned. The rest is your choice.
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