Am I depressed?

Postby Ava » Sat Apr 24, 2004 11:36 pm

I guess I needed somewhere to explain my feelings and as I don't feel I have anyone to talk to I am hoping posting here might help, I hope this is the right forum for this..

Anyway, where to begin... I think I might be depressed but how do I know if what I feel is depression or not? For the past 2 almost 3 years my moods have become very unpredictable, the thing is I don't always feel constantly down, I have some good days but I have more low days than good.

I got bullied in school for 3 years when I was younger, I was quite shy and quiet in school and I never did anything to annoy anyone so why I got bullied in the first place I will never understand, I really didn't and still don't see why I was picked on, maybe I was an easy target, anyway for 3 years I had no friends, I never spoke and became very withdrawn and felt ill coming to school, people picked on me and always mentioned my looks, to this day I still feel as ugly as they told me I was then, I never really seemed to recover from this incident at school, it happened at a time when people look to their friends for advice/ help and I found I was growing up alone and I couldn't tell my parents and when we went to seek help for the bullying because our school was only interested in good grades they told me to "get over it" and that I must have been getting bullied for a reason. I guess the reason I feel bad about this even today (I am in my twenties now) stems from the fact I got bullied badly in school and I have never felt confident since.

I don't feel that I have friends, people seem to use me whenever it is convenient for them and this makes me sad, I always go out of my way to help my "friends", I don't feel I can tell my friends anything and they seem to find enjoyment picking on me or when we go out they would leave me alone. I have 2 friends I feel I could tell anything to but I dont feel comfortable, they dont understand how I feel and they won't let me believe anyhintg bad about myself, they tell me I am goodlooking, havea great personality and sense of humour, I don't believe any of this is true, they are my friends, they have to say this.

I have never had a long term relationship despite the fact my friends are engaged/ married/ having children now, I push away people who like me and I get frightened. I don't know what I am afraid of, I don't want to fall in love with someone who will hurt me I think if I keep a distance between myself and others this will stop me feeling hurt. I felt no man was interested in me and now in the past month I have found myself going on dates with 3 men, I have stopped seeing two of them as I only liked one, we get along really well and I decided that I would let everything take it's course and not push this one away, last night we went out and I discovered he had a daughter, to begin with there is an age difference between us (he is 33, 7 years older than me) and now he has a 5 year old daughter, I don't know if I should let this bother me but I found myself faced with a man I really enjoy spedning time with and then discovering he has a daughter and I always swore I would not get myself involved with a man with children. Now I am confused and don't know what to do. Another thing he pointed out last night was that he has neevr met a person with such low self-esteem, (I really thought I had seemed more confident these days) and he said that during the conversation I kept saying things that were not true about myself, he tried to tell me that I was beautiful and that I had all these great things going for me, my friend had also told me that last night all he did was speak to her about how much he liked me and how he had sat for 30 mins looking at me before he got the courage to introduce himself, they try to make me believe I am some wonderful person when I don't and never think I will believe that. I hate people bringing up the fact I am not confident in myself I don't like talking about it. I am happy if I can talk about anything else but when it comes to talking about myself I find myself lost for words.

At home: my sister and mother are ill, my mother read that people with her condition only live for the maximum of 5 years, this terrifies me, the thought that my sister also has an illness that could kill her at anytime also petrifies me, sometimes I look at her and feel that if I could I would wrap her in cotton wool, I dread a phonecall saying anything has hapened to them, thinking of the worst fills me with dread my heart races and sometimes I feel like I am literally unable to breathe and have to go outside for air.

I always feel guilty, I feel guilty for so many things, even insignificant things that happened years ago, I feel like I am constantly apologising to people. It is my brithday today, last night I was supposed to be going out but everyone decided they had better plans and let me down, I cried the entire evening, I went to bed and cried, on Friday I went out with my family and my sister said something which made me go back to my house early and cry. I never usually cry but at the moment one comment makes me upset. I don't understand wha't happening, sometimes I can't get out of bed in the morning, I am not working for my degree and would rather spend all my time sleeping, on the other hand sometimes weeks go by where I cannot sleep and lay awake all night only getting an hour or two worht of sleep. My Mum tells me to "stop thinking of myself", and now I feel guilty and selfish, I want to feel better and I hate feeling like this. I don't know whats wrong with me. am I depressed? Am i Just selfish? How do I "just get over it" as I have been told? This is a terribly constructed rant, apologies.
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Postby george » Sun Apr 25, 2004 1:22 pm

hi there.

first off you have come to the right place, there are many people here that understand how your feeling and have been through much of the problems you have spoken about.

i know from experience that though you may or may not get answers here no one will judge you and every one will try to help.

my advice to you is go and see your doctor, im not sure if you are getting help but if your not you need to start the journey. im not saying you are suffering from depression (im no doctor) but for sure your not just winging, you have issues you need to address and your doctor will be able to point you in the right direction.

now this is no diagnosis but i too have a low self esteem, i too was bullied at school, i also find it hard to take compliments and most important to me i suffer from terrable guilt.

now i found that i do suffer from depression though im getting through it, but this dosent mean you are. how every your feeling is real to you and you need to deal with the issues you have.

i hope this helps.

PS. in my experience the people who are hard on themselves are the nicest people, partly due to the fact that thay dont see it.

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Postby Ava » Sun Apr 25, 2004 5:08 pm

Thanks george,

I haven't even thought about seeing a doctor.
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Postby egor » Mon Apr 26, 2004 7:37 pm

I prolly shouldn't be replying here, but, it seems to me like you are anything but selfish, by coming here, taking that first step, you are not only helping yourself, but you are also helping those who care for you too, because depression doesn't just affect the sufferer, and I'm not saying you definately are depressed here.

I think you have to ask yourself why this new man in your life would be saying those nice things about you, and why your friends do too. You say they just say it cos they have to, because they're your friends, but, surely they're your friends because you are those wonderfull things they say about you? And the same goes for this guy too :) . Sorry, I feel as if I'm preaching here.

Oh, and yes, you definately have come to the right place, this is what this place is meant for, and alot of people are in the same boat as you, you must be going through hell right now, something I'll (hopefully) never experience, but, I too were bullied at school, very shy (still am) and according to my friend 'too hard on myself' (but, I genuinly do have good reasons to be...). I'd say the people who bullied you most probably did it because they had huge egos and were basically, w****rs, but, thats just my humble opinion.

I really hope things do go right for you, it would be a shame if you let this get in the way of your relationship with this man, its none of my business, but why do you (from what I can tell) seem to be reluctant to be with people who have children?

As for the feeling guilty thing, lordy, whilst I don't think I'm depressed, I can totally see that in myself, too, I'm always apologising, I feel as if I'm always doing things wrong, I constantly apologise for being boring and/or annoying when talking to my friend, I even feel guilty for being shy, I feel as if I make people uncomfortable. So, yeah, you're not alone :) .

Well, anyhoo, good luck, I hope we hear from you soon :) .

p.s. As for aesthetics, I think I am ugly, having said that, I simply can't tell what women like the look of in a man, I can't tell if I am actually, (in a factual way) ugly. Maybe its the same for you, maybe you've been conditioned to believe you are? And that in conjunction with alot of people (this may not be the case for you) being unable to tell what the opposite sex find attractive in their sex.
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Postby jules » Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:59 pm


one of the hardest things I ever learnt to do was how to accept a compliment.When a friend paid me a compliment, I used to think "They're only saying that to make me feel better" and I'd shrug it off or ignor it. Then one day it dawned on me, they ARE saying it to make me feel good, thats what a compliment is for, and instead of ignoring it I started saying "thankyou".

Regards jules

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