Lowness after Hysterectomy Why!!!!!!!

Postby julibully » Sun Mar 07, 2004 6:19 pm

:cry: I had My Hysterectomy 6 months ago, and since then I have been..
ANGRY,SAD,MAD,TEARFUL,YELLING,WORTHLESSNESS,OUTBURSTS.I am on HRT, and I feel like it does not help, I suffred a Mental Breakdown about 15 yrs ago, and was out of it last year as well, do to the fact the female problems, and my family seems to think that being Depressed is all in ones head that it is just a way to say that you can't control your moods. I have to say, I hate that. They are not inmy Head, not in My Body. I have had other medical problems now as well, and I am so SCARED to go back to the same doc, and say..... Hey. Guess what now, I need some more meds to help pull me out of this Dam Mood that is sinking me down to the depths of Hell. Does any one know if being depressed makes your whole body ACHE.....
i HAVE ALOT OF BACK & LEG PAIN. AS WELL AS IBS, or is this just all in my head as I have been told all my life. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why can't a Doc just sit and listen to me, and not say, It's all in your head...... (yeah I know it's in my head, thats where depression comes from) but what I mean, they are so fast to give you a pill, and say this had better work, what if it does not, why can't they seem to understand that somes meds work for others and not for most. I just want to now what it is like to Enjoy Life, and Enjoy it with MY Family, the kids I gave Birth to, The Man I Married, but all to the same, every day I hate to start cuz it will be the same as the last, I can't sleep, and when I do it is just for a very short time, and I can't fall back asleep for hrs. I Over eat, and Yell and scream. Why can't Life be Normal any more. Is there a way that life is to be this way, does every Family have this problem or is this just me. Does every Family have Joy, and wake up Wonderful. Or is this just me. I grew up this way, I know of no other way. I am the youngest of 7 kids, and a Mom of 2 kids. A Wonderful Husband That I am so Surprized has put up with me for all this time, it is a wonder why he has stayed. I feel so down, since my hysterectomy, My Mother says you are to be better, no more yelling . Stop. it. Now!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!! She lives 800 miles away ans she stills gets to me.
Is there any hope, or is it just the facts of life that have to be this way. Am I Crazy, or am I just needing some help, and someone to talk to. Please Help, before I go Out Of My Mind!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: [/list][/code][/b]
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Postby minstrel » Sun Mar 14, 2004 4:16 am

Well, you said a lot in that post!

Frankly, it sounds to me as if you need to find someone to talk to you about all of these things as an interconnected whole - not just the hysterectomy and HRT or the IBS or the pains or the depression as isolated issues, but how all of them are linked.

Ask your family doctor to refer you to a psychotherapist who will help you to look at where all these negative feelings are coming from and show you ways to start challenging and restructuring the way you think and feel about yourself and your life.

In the meantime, an excellent starting point (apart from or in addition to the resources on this website which I must confess I haven't had time to fully explore yet) is a book by Dr. David Burns titled "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy" - this is the best introduction to cognitive therapy and cognitive self-help I know.
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Postby kfedouloff » Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:35 am

Hi julibully

I agree with minstrel - David Burns' book is very good, and quite easy to use. He has also published a Workbook version, where you can easily work through the different exercises.

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