4 eyes boiling water for a hr long slugfest with oatmeal

Postby Brad Minter » Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:24 am

I have a eating disorder that developed out of the blue. I believe I was too hard on myself. It started out innocent and then I started to try to protect my image. I had true intentions. I was a boxer and I would keep my weight around 135 while training. I was dedicated. I learned a lot about nutrition and food labels. I would train daily eat healthy (up to 90 egg whites a week) stuff like that. I was always eating in some form or another. After a match, I decided to reward myself and ate till I couldn't breath. That was 13 years ago. I still over eat at times, but I let people see me do it. I'm 5'8 and 145 lbs. I can eat anything I want if I want and as much as I want. I can put 10lbs on in 2 weeks. I can also take'em off. I've weighed 175 lbs of bodybuilding muscle and fought at a lean 132lbs sometime later. Everyday is a small struggle to not over indulge. Once in a while is o.k.. When I put back to back nights of overeating together, I'm not focused and have to regroup. I do that through His power of redemption. I begin to focus on others and not myself. I'm more sympathitic towards others, wondering how strong is that chain that binds them.
Brad Minter
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Postby briary » Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:43 am

Hi Brad

Welcome to thr forum. You state (if I have read your post right) that you overeat or binge, and yet your weight is underweight if anything.

Do you attend Overeaters Anonymous and if so what do you get from it? Sorry I have no experience of that organisation.

What comes across from your postt is that you are unhappy in some way. What would actually make you happy (except food or restricting)?

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Postby Brad Minter » Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:04 pm

Good evening Karen!. I'm a very happy person, I'm very blessed. I do have bad days. I enjoy eating like everyone else. Food tastes good. Food gives me energy. About a week ago, I had a half bag of oyster crackers with a little dr. pepper to wet the dry cracker. That was a weird little sugar buzz. Discipline is the key. I pride myself on working out to some degree. Their were times I thought all I got is me, so I dug deep and have carved my on path. I have my faults, but I quickly give them away, dust myself off, and surprise myself with personal growth. I've learned to not be so hard on myself for the mistakes I've made. We are born into it, imperfect people living :arrow: an imperfect world. I've never been to O.A. I'm sure it is helpful for some, maybe me. I do have a good grip on this subject. I know what I want, need, and have and a 100 twinkies isn't going to stop me!
Brad Minter
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